Article Marketing - Discover 4 Must-Have Methods to Impact Your Article Marketing
As you know, you need links to convince search engines to rank your website higher.
Here's how you can make your article marketing campaign more impacting: 1.
Kick-start your articles with killer titles.
Online users have limited attention span; that's a fact.
Thus, you need to know how you can capture their attention in seconds.
You can do this by using attention-grabbing titles that can potentially turn the heads of these people.
It's important that your titles communicate the gist or the benefits of your content so you can get online users to read on.
Ensure that your articles are informative.
The only reason why online users are spending their precious time reading articles over the internet is because they want to be informed.
It is your responsibility to give them what they want or exactly what they are looking for.
Online users are mostly looking for answers to their questions, information as to how they can advance in their chosen careers, and solutions to their problems.
Promote great reading experience.
This is very important so you can hook your readers on your articles.
Make your content sound upbeat and use conversational tone.
Use relevant examples and your personal stories when needed.
Inject humor and ask questions from time to time to engage your readers.
Make your articles search engine-friendly.
Properly optimize your articles to secure better page ranking for them.
Ensure that your target keywords that are not very competitive and that you place them all throughout your articles.
Don't forget to use (and highlight them) on your resource box to easily tell search engines what your articles are all about.