Turning Small Talk Into Intimate Talk
Their conversations are boring, mostly small talk, or maybe even interesting on a logical level.
They just lack that sensual spark that makes a flat conversation flirty.
Here's a letter that inspired this newsletter:
I'm from a town where people there don't ask the "big questions."All they know about are football, weather, cars, beer and chasing the same old women we went to high school with.
I'm really trying to be more aware of myself and be a better person. I see all my buddies either starting families, or doing the same single guy routine but the common thing in both is that they aren't changing and growing into better men. The family guys just get more serious and the single guys just get more weird and desperate.
I don't want to fall into either of those traps. You could say I'm a little different than most guys. My favorite part of football (I was a high school jock, but now I'm a desk jockey hehe) was going over the plays. Thinking of strategy and how to use our wits to outmaneuver the other guy is what I liked to do.
I've been to the bar a few times and been at friends houses where there were girls and just knowing that stuff had shown me how other guys do nonsense stuff. I tore it up at the bar the other night!
Ok enough bragging and long talk. Here's my deal...
There's this girl I've known for about a year now. The woman just moved to town and she's a little older than me but man she is a knockout and real sharp too. Thing is, I get so dang tongue tied every time we talk (she's a bartender at nearby dive) that I can only think boring to say and we just make pleasant small talk. Even worse is I think she likes me because she always smiles at me and comes over to talk. I mean I know that's her job, but she seems to give me EXTRA attention.
How the heck do I let her know I'm interested?? I don't want to just ask her out, because I don't think there's enough of that intimate feeling to it and it might sound completely out of the blue."
I don't think this scenario is unusual: a girl who is not only cute, but is attractive on the inside, can be quite hot to most guys.
That's the key here.
You see, all the other guys make it easy for us pickup artists, because they do stupid things that turns women off.
Here's couple things going on.
First, he thinks he needs to make the woman MORE attracted, even though she's already sending him signals.
This is SOOO common among guys. They think "Ok, she likes me. Now what? How do I make my move?"
Think about how dumb that thinking is (and I used to be guilty of it).
If a woman is interested in you, you don't need to do anything special. Just talk to her, and tell her you want to see her again, or take her somewhere on the spot and go for the kiss.
If a woman is giving you signals, you don't need to create more attraction.
And what are these signals?
Well if she goes even slightly out of her way to talk to you, that's a signal, because she doesn't HAVE TO DO THAT. She chose to because something about you made her WANT TO.
Copyright (c) 2009 Vin DiCarlo