Credit Card Debt Solutions - How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt With a Debt Settlement
The large banks and financial institutions have recently been stimulated with a large influx of cash thanks to the financial bailouts the national government have been handing out.
While these financial bailouts were at first thought to have only helped out Wall Street, the effects are now reaching Main Street and there has never been a better time to eliminate credit card debt.
It is estimated that the average American has 5 credit cards in their wallet.
These credit cards can quickly spiral out of control with the ridiculous fines that credit companies impose on consumers.
After a while the debt builds up so high that paying the entire amount seems daunting if not impossible for the average American.
If you have around $10,000 or more in debt then it would be financially prudent to consider a debt settlement and eliminate credit card debt.
The best debt settlement companies can settle your debt for 20 - 30% of the outstanding balance.
So if you are $10,000 in debt you can settle for $2,000 - $3,000 and eliminate credit card debt.
So you may be thinking that a debt settlement will damage your credit score.
The truth is that your credit might take a little hit in the beginning but not nearly as bad as declaring bankruptcy.
Plus your debt will be reduced and you have a much better chance of getting new lines of credit or personal loans.