Self Defense Protection
If you want to secure your own safety, which is highly recommended, you have to take the appropriate self defense protection methods, techniques and use the right products to build up peace of mind.
You do not want to feel powerless when you are attacked.
Instead, you want to be equipped when you are dangerously challenged.
You do have the option to carry a firearm, but you could endanger yourself much more doing that.
There are safer alternatives to safety and that is using self defense weapons.
Now I will discuss some of the different self defense products available for your protection and safety.
Stun guns Stun guns have become very popular among the different types of self defense products.
If your assailant has gotten too close to you and you cannot run, a stun gun is the best weapon to use.
It is also used by law enforcement to take down their suspects.
This is an electrical device that utilizes a high voltage and will stop your attacker in his or her tracks.
It will disable them and put them to the ground.
There are some stun guns that can be used without touching the assailant.
From a few feet, you have an advantage against the person who is attacking you.
The amps are low, so there will be no serious damage inflicted against your attacker when hit with the stun gun.
There are different voltages and sizes to choose from.
Manufactures are now making stun guns disguised as cell phones, soda cans, credit cards, flashlights, and other unique objects that you use every day.
Pepper Sprays Pepper Spray is also common amongst the different self defense products.
It is also cheaper, smaller and wards off the attacker so you can run to safety.
Pepper spray is also sold in a classic tube form.
Manufacturers are also using distinct objects to camouflage the pepper spray in such things as lipstick.
Pepper spray is also used by law enforcement to disperse crowds in a riot.
However, these are more high powered pepper sprays that require proper training.
Tasers Tasers are another effective self defense product being used for safety and protection.
Tasers shoot out darts that are attached to 15 feet wires.
Its voltage travels through the wires to attack the nervous system of the assailant.
Airsoft Guns Airsoft guns are good for practicing self defense so that when you encounter a real life situation, you will be able to react accordingly.
You will be able to use Airsoft guns to improve your alertness and response speed if attacked.
Self-defense products help to protect your family and you.
Be sure to take charge of your safety and consider one or more of these self defense products.
It has already been proven to save many other lives in the past and it can save yours too.