What Breaks Down Excess Uric Acid in the Body?
- Hyperuricemia is the medical term for high uric acid in the bloodstream. Uric acid enters the blood through the liver as it processes the chemical purine. Medication such as diuretics and low-dose aspirin, often prescribed to treat hypertension, can also cause excessive uric acid levels. High uric acid levels can cause gout, kidney stones and chronic kidney disease.
- There are several prescription medications that can help reduce, or break down, the level of excess uric acid in the blood. One medication used for treating gout, a condition brought on by high uric acid, is allopurinol. Allopurinol reduces how much uric acid the body makes. Another drug useful for reducing uric acid is probenecid. This drug is a uricosuric agent, meaning it works by increasing the rate at which the body dissolves uric acid.
- Dietary changes are often recommended for patients who are diagnosed with high uric acid levels. Avoiding or limiting the consumption of foods high in purines can lower the overall uric acid in the blood. Avoid completely or limit anchovies, mackerel plus organ meats such as sweetbreads, liver and brain. Since yeast is high in purine, avoid beer and other alcoholic drinks. In addition, limit consumption of spinach, lentils, asparagus, beans, lentils, oatmeal, mushrooms and cauliflower as these are high in purine.
- A 2001 study by the Universidade Federal de Goiás in Brazil found that a low purine diet is the most effective therapeutic treatment for hyperuricemia. Several foods are known to be low in purine and help with lowering uric acid levels. Milk and milk products, eggs, peanut butter and other nuts are low in purine. Certain vegetables also qualify such as tomatoes and lettuce. Increasing fluid intake will help the body flush uric acid but avoid soft drinks sweetened with sugar, as these can increase the risk of gout.
- Several herbs claim that they reduce uric levels. Harpagophytum procumbens, also known as Devil's claw, claims to lower uric acid as does eupatorium pupureum, also known as Gravel root. Nettle root, billberry and juniper berry were all used in ancient times to treat gout. Patients should always tell their physicians if they are taking any herbal medications for uric acid reduction.
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