Retirees Need Love, Too
It is all too common for people to believe that holidays like Valentine's Day are really for children and young lovers. This is a holiday, however, offering everyone the opportunity to tell people they are special and important. Sometimes, in fact, retirees need this holiday more than others.
Many retirees are still in the adjustment stage of their retirement. They are feeling the loss of workplace relationships and the loss of the sense of purpose and fulfillment derived from work. Many other retirees are experiencing the sorrow of the loss of loved ones. Some retirees are experiencing genuine loneliness and isolation. I certainly encourage everyone to remember the retirees in their lives with a reminder that they are loved and valued on Valentine's Day.
There are thousands of ways to tell people they are important to us. You can do something as simple as sending a card or dropping someone a note. A phone call is a wonderful way to let someone know their importance in your life. Perhaps you can drop in on a friend or share a meal with friends. One of my favorite things to do is to invite a friend to do something together that I know we both really enjoy. This is always the perfect time to tell that person he/she is special and appreciated.
As you think about others in your life, don't forget to show a little love to yourself. In the midst of our hectic and busy lives, it is often one of the best gifts we can receive to just attend to a little self-care or self-pampering.
If you are a retiree who needs to stop and attend to some self-care, here are my top suggestions:
Spend some time talking or playing with a child.
Read an inspiring and uplifting book.
Visit your barber or hairdresser, try a new look, and always ask for the scalp massage!
Give yourself a day at the spa or the gym. Work out some of the stress!
Start making a concerted effort to eat healthier.
Reduce the amount of caffeine you are consuming.
If you are a smoker, start a smoking cessation program.
Visit your physician and find out what you need to do to be healthier, happier and more vibrant.
Buy a small but important gift for yourself.
Devote an entire day to doing something you truly enjoy
You can probably think of hundreds of ways to show a little self-love. I tend to prefer the self-care options that improve our quality of life. After all, being at our best enables us to live our best lives. Remember that the prime of your life can be the best time of your life!