Our Country Is On It's Way Down – We Need A Shift In The Power Base
Obviously a president can't fix the country, but he can make policy that does fix the country. We don't need more crap like the dream act to give illegals more rights. These things just take a lot of money to keep alive, and in the end produce nothing to help the country.
The world is made up of borders, and they are there for a reason. We do not need to be a border-less single nation, and we don not need a new world order. We do not need Obama-care destroying our nation's health care system.
In the democratic national convention one of the delegates said that if Romney were elected she would like to kill him, and some how she is still a free person. If somebody were to say the same about Obama what do you think would happen?
It's ridiculous that we have a president who can't even prove that he is an American citizen. His BC has been proven to be a phony by at least two scientific firms that I know of, and still no investigation in to it has been done, other then Joe Arpaio.
The students that were at Harvard at the time Obama claims that he went don't remember him being there. Think about it, these upper echelon students are a tight nit bunch, and they all know each other, but somehow none of them know Obama.
I'm no a huge fan of Mitt Romney either, but he would certainly be a better choice the another four years of the same old thing. At least there is a slight chance that things will get better, and he at least knows how to run a business.
If the only reason that you voting for Obama is because he gave you a cell phone; you need to use your head for something besides keeping your neck from unraveling. Because he spends more money and puts our country in more debt is no reason to re-elect him; think about it.
This is not a "R" or "D" thing this time around. Its getting the man who is single handedly destroying this county out of the White House. It's about bringing congress under control and back to earth, it's about showing these morons who's the boss.