Egyptian Anti-wrinkle Secrets
The Egyptian fascination with wrinkle creams and other beauty products was prevalent regardless of one's class or status. Records indicate, for example, that even unskilled lower class workers were given, as part of their wages, anti-wrinkle and moisturizing products like body oil for daily use. Skin care and cosmetics were important to Egyptians the same way we value our appearance today.
Egyptian anti-wrinkle and body care concerns were important to both men and women. Under the hot and arid climate, men as well as women needed protection for their skin. Men and women both used body oils as well as cosmetic products.
The standard anti-wrinkle cream recipe in ancient Egypt included a teaspoon of sweet almond oil and two drops of frankincense oil. This was gently massaged into freshly cleansed skin each night.
Almonds were also popular cosmetic ingredients. The Egyptians mostly used oil that was extracted from bitter or sweet almonds. It had a mild scent and a light texture so it was quickly absorbed by the skin.
While some of us think that wrinkles add character to the face, most people don't want to have them. They want to look as young as they feel.
Today, there are various products to choose from. Anti-wrinkle creams like Lumnaderm are special creams formulated to help reduce the signs of aging. Check out for more anti-wrinkle tips.