How Should You Protect Your Cash?
Is there a limit to the amount of cash one would want to hoard? Probably not, but obviously the more the cash, the more the worries.
The necessity to deal with cash will continue as long as this will remain an acceptable and common way of payment for commercial transactions.
Therefore, for any business, it is quite important to study every aspect of the problem of dealing with day to day cash, and to plan in time the precautionary measures to adopt, that will assure safety for all, money, employees and public alike.
This issue is even more essential if cash money has to be moved from the safe to the bank or back on a regular schedule.
Among the precautions one may think of, one can include a well thought of surveillance camera system with mutual coverage, redundancy, back up in case of black out or other accidents.
If one plans to use cameras, one should make sure they are out of reach but otherwise highly visible, with posted signs informing customers of such a surveillance.
Floor people should be present where public swarms, alert and interacting with customers.
Increased security may be assured by uniformed security guards circulating through the place.
Thieves are going to steer clear of places that have a good anti theft plan.
Personnel should be educated and trained to keep an eye on the customers without being intrusive, with clear instructions on what to do in case they witness improper actions.
When cash has to be moved, Cash In Transit (CIT) procedures are implemented either internally within the firm, or through the services of specialized companies.
In any case precautions include programmed changes in schedules and routes, and safety routines to be rehearsed and tested.
Most important is the subject of communication, to make sure that calls for help in case of distress go through and reach the rescue center.
It appears that appointed authorities require, at least in some places, internal consultation within the company, with active involvement of employees, to try to identify possible risks to personnel security.
The purpose is to devise applicable measures suitable to eliminate or decrease such risks.
Safe handling of cash should never be achieved at the cost of jeopardizing human life.
The necessity to deal with cash will continue as long as this will remain an acceptable and common way of payment for commercial transactions.
Therefore, for any business, it is quite important to study every aspect of the problem of dealing with day to day cash, and to plan in time the precautionary measures to adopt, that will assure safety for all, money, employees and public alike.
This issue is even more essential if cash money has to be moved from the safe to the bank or back on a regular schedule.
Among the precautions one may think of, one can include a well thought of surveillance camera system with mutual coverage, redundancy, back up in case of black out or other accidents.
If one plans to use cameras, one should make sure they are out of reach but otherwise highly visible, with posted signs informing customers of such a surveillance.
Floor people should be present where public swarms, alert and interacting with customers.
Increased security may be assured by uniformed security guards circulating through the place.
Thieves are going to steer clear of places that have a good anti theft plan.
Personnel should be educated and trained to keep an eye on the customers without being intrusive, with clear instructions on what to do in case they witness improper actions.
When cash has to be moved, Cash In Transit (CIT) procedures are implemented either internally within the firm, or through the services of specialized companies.
In any case precautions include programmed changes in schedules and routes, and safety routines to be rehearsed and tested.
Most important is the subject of communication, to make sure that calls for help in case of distress go through and reach the rescue center.
It appears that appointed authorities require, at least in some places, internal consultation within the company, with active involvement of employees, to try to identify possible risks to personnel security.
The purpose is to devise applicable measures suitable to eliminate or decrease such risks.
Safe handling of cash should never be achieved at the cost of jeopardizing human life.