How To Keep Your Affiliates Motivated And Excited And Making You Money
You have a choice: You can either sell hundreds of dollars worth of your product or thousands. If you want to sell thousands (as I am sure you do) you need to think about developing an affiliate team to help you out. Below are the best methods I know and have learned over the years to keep your affiliates motivated and stuck on selling your products and services.
Pay Them Well
How much your affiliates make per sale on your products or services is their #1 motivation for promoting you. This is obvious but never lose sight of it. If you do not pay them well you should just close up shop. If your overhead is very low, such as selling a software or information product, you need to be paying a much higher percentage to your affiliates.
As with anything in marketing, you need to run some tests. Test out different ways to pay your affiliates. This may simply be a test to see what is the most profitable percentage of the sale to pay them. You may actually make more money in the long run if you split the difference with your affiliates in a 50/50 partnership than offering them a high 75% commission. You won't know this though unless you test. Always test everything. You will be surprised how many things work that you would never have logically considered profitable.
Also, look into the possibility of incorporating incentives into your affiliate program. If your affiliates sell 100 units per month you may want to increase their commission by $3 a unit, or offer them a cash bonus instead. Take care of your high performers by letting them know how much you appreciate them. Affiliates feel appreciated when you give them more money!
Last but not least, when it comes to the affiliate commissions, make sure they understand everything about how and when they are paid. Nothing is more annoying as an affiliate than wondering when and how payment will be rendered. Make everything very clear when it comes to the money issues. And of course always pay on time.
Affiliate Hugs and Love
Make sure that you let your affiliates know how important they are. Treat them like full business partners. Don't view them as employees who work for you because they are not. They are independent entrepreneurs and mercenary-style marketers who will go where they receive the best incentives and pay, and where they are appreciated and treated like professionals.
Make sure you communicate regularly with your affiliates about everything. As you change something in the sales process let them know what it was and why you did it. If sales are up, tell them. If sales are down, tell them. Keep them in the loop. This keeps you and your products on their mind and also shows respect to your affiliates.
By using "we" and "our" statements you will get much more out of your affiliates. This lets them know that you consider them as partners and that you are working together for a common goal. Affiliates don't want to work for a merchant who sees his own affiliates as expendable worker drones.
Conversion Concentration
When it comes to selling a product or service conversion is King. The job of an affiliate is not selling products. An affiliate simply brings traffic. It is up to the product owner to make sure that product sells, and sells well. As your affiliates send you traffic you need to make sure you are able to consistently turn those visitors into customers and sales.
Affiliates will drop you and move on to a better product or service if your conversions stink. This is your #1 goal as a product owner.
You need to constantly test and tweak your sales process to maximize your conversion rates. The better the conversions the more loyal affiliates you will have driving traffic to your products. If conversions are high and everyone is making money your job will be relatively easy.
Focus On Service
No matter what kind of business you run it will involve selling product of some sort and thus, you will need to deal with customers.
While you manage your affiliate program you are going to have to deal with many types of issues. Expect to deal with the same problems all product owners deal with such as chargebacks, refunds, product delivery problems, etc. These are normal occurences online, but expect them to be more numerous when you sell through affiliates due to the increase in activity and marketing your business and product will be receiving.
Your goal is to make sure you take care of all issues within a timely manner and as fairly as possible. Don't let customers rob you blind, (some will certainly try) but know when to bend and when to give in. Choose your battles wisely. If you can become known for having excellent customer service your product will be easier for your affiliates to sell for you and if you have a residual component to your product, such as a monthly membership, this will help your affiliates make more money and keep them happy.
Keep Your Marketing Materials Fresh
As an affiliate myself, nothing irritates me more than being given little to nothing in regards to marketing materials. If you want affiliates to focus on your product and sell it for you, provide them with what they need! You can never give an affiliate too many materials so don't worry that you may over do it.
Make sure they get your best. Constantly upgrade and update your marketing materials. Provide materials of all different kinds and do it consistently so your affiliates always feel like you are there and you care about the product. All to often a merchant will create a product, give a few marketing materials out for their affiliates to use, and then never update or change anything ever again. This is just lazy and sends a message to affiliates that the product is not that important to the creator.
You decrease your affiliate team's workload when you provide them with everything they need. The more you provide, the less time your affiliates need to spend making it themselves and the more time they can spend driving traffic to your product and making sales. Also, keep in mind that affiliates market differently. Some use articles, some use reviews and blogging...some are pure email marketers. Provide it all and keep it fresh.
What do all of these main components of affiliate motivation have in common? What is the ONE truth you need to come away with? It is this: The most effective way to build a team of motivated and active affiliates who love you and love selling for you, is to simplify their ability to make money...PERIOD. All of the above suggestions in this article are ways to simplify the money making process for your affiliates. That is your focus. That is all you need to worry about.
Pay Them Well
How much your affiliates make per sale on your products or services is their #1 motivation for promoting you. This is obvious but never lose sight of it. If you do not pay them well you should just close up shop. If your overhead is very low, such as selling a software or information product, you need to be paying a much higher percentage to your affiliates.
As with anything in marketing, you need to run some tests. Test out different ways to pay your affiliates. This may simply be a test to see what is the most profitable percentage of the sale to pay them. You may actually make more money in the long run if you split the difference with your affiliates in a 50/50 partnership than offering them a high 75% commission. You won't know this though unless you test. Always test everything. You will be surprised how many things work that you would never have logically considered profitable.
Also, look into the possibility of incorporating incentives into your affiliate program. If your affiliates sell 100 units per month you may want to increase their commission by $3 a unit, or offer them a cash bonus instead. Take care of your high performers by letting them know how much you appreciate them. Affiliates feel appreciated when you give them more money!
Last but not least, when it comes to the affiliate commissions, make sure they understand everything about how and when they are paid. Nothing is more annoying as an affiliate than wondering when and how payment will be rendered. Make everything very clear when it comes to the money issues. And of course always pay on time.
Affiliate Hugs and Love
Make sure that you let your affiliates know how important they are. Treat them like full business partners. Don't view them as employees who work for you because they are not. They are independent entrepreneurs and mercenary-style marketers who will go where they receive the best incentives and pay, and where they are appreciated and treated like professionals.
Make sure you communicate regularly with your affiliates about everything. As you change something in the sales process let them know what it was and why you did it. If sales are up, tell them. If sales are down, tell them. Keep them in the loop. This keeps you and your products on their mind and also shows respect to your affiliates.
By using "we" and "our" statements you will get much more out of your affiliates. This lets them know that you consider them as partners and that you are working together for a common goal. Affiliates don't want to work for a merchant who sees his own affiliates as expendable worker drones.
Conversion Concentration
When it comes to selling a product or service conversion is King. The job of an affiliate is not selling products. An affiliate simply brings traffic. It is up to the product owner to make sure that product sells, and sells well. As your affiliates send you traffic you need to make sure you are able to consistently turn those visitors into customers and sales.
Affiliates will drop you and move on to a better product or service if your conversions stink. This is your #1 goal as a product owner.
You need to constantly test and tweak your sales process to maximize your conversion rates. The better the conversions the more loyal affiliates you will have driving traffic to your products. If conversions are high and everyone is making money your job will be relatively easy.
Focus On Service
No matter what kind of business you run it will involve selling product of some sort and thus, you will need to deal with customers.
While you manage your affiliate program you are going to have to deal with many types of issues. Expect to deal with the same problems all product owners deal with such as chargebacks, refunds, product delivery problems, etc. These are normal occurences online, but expect them to be more numerous when you sell through affiliates due to the increase in activity and marketing your business and product will be receiving.
Your goal is to make sure you take care of all issues within a timely manner and as fairly as possible. Don't let customers rob you blind, (some will certainly try) but know when to bend and when to give in. Choose your battles wisely. If you can become known for having excellent customer service your product will be easier for your affiliates to sell for you and if you have a residual component to your product, such as a monthly membership, this will help your affiliates make more money and keep them happy.
Keep Your Marketing Materials Fresh
As an affiliate myself, nothing irritates me more than being given little to nothing in regards to marketing materials. If you want affiliates to focus on your product and sell it for you, provide them with what they need! You can never give an affiliate too many materials so don't worry that you may over do it.
Make sure they get your best. Constantly upgrade and update your marketing materials. Provide materials of all different kinds and do it consistently so your affiliates always feel like you are there and you care about the product. All to often a merchant will create a product, give a few marketing materials out for their affiliates to use, and then never update or change anything ever again. This is just lazy and sends a message to affiliates that the product is not that important to the creator.
You decrease your affiliate team's workload when you provide them with everything they need. The more you provide, the less time your affiliates need to spend making it themselves and the more time they can spend driving traffic to your product and making sales. Also, keep in mind that affiliates market differently. Some use articles, some use reviews and blogging...some are pure email marketers. Provide it all and keep it fresh.
What do all of these main components of affiliate motivation have in common? What is the ONE truth you need to come away with? It is this: The most effective way to build a team of motivated and active affiliates who love you and love selling for you, is to simplify their ability to make money...PERIOD. All of the above suggestions in this article are ways to simplify the money making process for your affiliates. That is your focus. That is all you need to worry about.