Help Files Can Be Repaired Through Registry Cleaners
Sometimes after you make key strokes on your keyboard, it takes several seconds for the letters to show on the screen.
Not only that, some of the simple programs and applications which ran smoothly before, don't work at all, or are very slow.
This is a very common problem in all Windows based computers.
After a few days of this, you will be desperate to increase computer performance back to how it was originally.
The answer usually lies with your registry.
How Can I Identify Registry Errors? First signs of an upset registry are the slowing down of your system without any hardware issues involved.
If you are sure there are no viruses, spyware or RAM-related issues and still face a lagging computer, then the best guess is a faulty registry.
More signs include a lethargic mouse pointer and seeing the "not responding" message regularly.
This means you have to interfere and increase computer performance yourself.
Can Help Files Cause Registry Problems? One of the main factors which cause registry problems are help files.
Almost all software makers include a help file in their package to make their product user-friendly.
These files are stored in your system registry along with other files.
If the particular software is constantly updated and used over and over, the same happens to the help files in the registry.
But these changes don't happen as expected and this causes registry problems, causing applications to not respond.
It has to be said that all software with help files are not harmful and only some may cause these problems.
A registry cleaning software would be the best option to increase computer performance specially if there is a problem with the above described help files.
My Help Files are Alright If, even after using a registry cleaner, you fail to increase computer performance, it could be that a hacker or hijacker is using your computer memory illegally.
This also slows down your computer.
Normally this hacking is prevented by an encryption on your wireless network; but hackers seem to find a way through these.
The solution to this is to check your wireless settings and block any infiltrations, enabling you to increase computer performance.
When even the action of a good registry cleaner and checking your wireless settings fail to increase computer performance back to normal, the only possibility is a virus.
In that case it is best to take measures to ensure regular or daily full virus scans followed by manual virus definition updates.
Otherwise new viruses could be left undetected.