Useful Tips to Protect Your ATM Security PIN
The ATM PIN is not made of any numbers. These digits are special security codes that protect your credit/debit card from fraudulent acts. Some people often keep the numbers extremely predictable and risk the money in their account. Fortunately, there are a number of useful ways to safeguard the ATM PIN.
How to select a good PIN
There needs to be a certain method to select an ATM PIN. Choosing a combination of numbers that have some significance to you, makes the numbers easy to remember and less known to others. For instance, do not choose a PIN that only contains your birth date Use a combination of your birthday and your house/phone number instead. It is also essential to avoid common PIN numbers that are easily predictable Eg. 0000, 1234, 1357 etc
Are you protecting your PIN?
Once you have your secret number, make sure you are not carefree about it. Ask yourself if you are prepared for situations like:
Useful tips to protect your PIN
How to select a good PIN
There needs to be a certain method to select an ATM PIN. Choosing a combination of numbers that have some significance to you, makes the numbers easy to remember and less known to others. For instance, do not choose a PIN that only contains your birth date Use a combination of your birthday and your house/phone number instead. It is also essential to avoid common PIN numbers that are easily predictable Eg. 0000, 1234, 1357 etc
Are you protecting your PIN?
Once you have your secret number, make sure you are not carefree about it. Ask yourself if you are prepared for situations like:
- Forgetting your PIN
- Writing the PIN somewhere that is easily accessible to,
strangers.E.g mobile, purse, pocket etc - Falling prey to credit card tricks on phone, mails and messages.
Useful tips to protect your PIN
- Avoid keeping your PIN cue with the ATM card or in your wallet. Robbers are vigilant about such accessories and if stolen, your PIN number is easy to access and your finances are at a high risk.
- Change the default PIN after activating your account. The numbers given by the service providers are often sent through a confidential medium. However, if the document containing your number is lost or stolen, you are likely to lose the cash in your account. Changing the PIN makes the prior number useless and difficult to track.
- Do not use numbers that are predictable. Birth dates, telephone numbers, license numbers, social security numbers are easily detectable and using them as your credit card PIN can easily rip you off your money.
- Discard receipts generated from the ATM machines as they contain important information that gives access to your account. It is even safer to tear them in pieces so that the numbers are completely destroyed.
- Be aware of the people standing behind you while you enter your PIN on the keypad. Identity theft often begins when the robber watches you enter your secret digits in the ATM. Cover the screen with your hands while entering the numbers.
- Avoid using the same PIN for multiple accounts. This is because if the robber is able to crack the PIN for one account, he/she will also try to use the same pin to gain access to other accounts and this may prove dangerous if you are carrying multiple credit cards together.
- Using personalized tricks are a great way to recollect your password if you are likely to forget it. For instance, if your name is Peter, derive a number code for the name and pick up digits that stand for your name. Do not keep the trick evident and make sure it is something that is close to yourself.
- If you wish to save the number in the phone, do it very cleverly. You can save the number as middle digits of a phone number in your best friend's name. Even if your phone is stolen, your PIN is still safe and it is difficult for the robber to easily look for the number.