Article Writing Secrets - The 4 Things You Just Gotta Have in Each and Every Internet Article
Perfectionism leads to procrastination and you wind up getting nothing done.
I'd rather have my "new-perfect" article out there working for me twenty four hours a day seven daysa week than someone else's not-quite-ready-just-a-few-more-tweaks-until-it-is-perfect article sitting in the computer doing you no good at all.
So here are my four criteria for what I call 'near perfect' articles: 1.
It's got to be good enough to represent you well on the internet.
That's why I encourage you to look at some of the articles on the article directories and read a lot of stuff in your niche.
Read a lot of stuff in the Article Directories and see that you can do a whole lot better than some of those folks over there.
All you have to do is craft an article that represents you well on the internet.
It's got to provide good quality information.
One of the biggest mistakes some people make is writing without helping.
They write about something, but there's nothing to take away, there's nothing to use.
Give the reader at least one golden nugget they can go and use.
It helps people begin to know, like, and trust you, because they're reading about your thoughts and your expertise, and they begin to feel like they're getting to know you.
That's the kind of people that customers want to do business with.
You leave them wanting more.
You've whetted their appetite.
You've given them some good stuff, and then you let them know in the resource box, "Hey, there's a whole lot more where this came from.