Places to Get Cash Advances
- If you have a major credit card you may be able to get a cash advance at a relatively reasonable rate. The cost of taking out a cash advance using a credit card will vary from issuer to issuer, so it is important to read the fine print carefully before turning to your credit card for the cash you need. Even if the cost is a bit high, however, it may be worth your while if it means avoiding large late fees and a ding on your credit report.
- Pawn brokers have always been sources of ready cash for those with financial problems, so if you are in need of money before payday you may want to start looking around for things to pawn. If you are like most people you probably have a few things laying around that you never use, from electronics to exercise equipment. Pawning those items could give you the cash you need while helping you clear out some space.
- Payday loan and cash advance providers can also lend you the cash you need until the next payday rolls around. As with any other financial transaction it is important to shop around, and it is just as important to read the fine print before signing on the dotted line. SInce cash advances are designed to be short term loans, the annual percentage rate can be quite high. But by shopping around you may be able to get the cash you need at a price that will not put too much of a dent in your wallet.
- Ensure that a payday loan or cash advance is really your best option. Getting a cash advance--either from your credit card issuer, your local pawn shop or the check cashing place around the corner--is certainly convenient, but that convenience comes at a price. In the end it may be to your advantage to borrow the funds you need from a trusted friend or colleague, or via a credit union loan, and leave the cash advances for truly dire circumstances.
Credit Card
Pawn Broker
Payday Loan Provider
Other Options