"P" Your Way To Online Business Success With Great Persistence
Team-Schuman Marketplace Free eCourse:
"P" Your Way To Online Success With Great Persistence!
© 2002 Jeff D. Schuman
Jeff Schuman here with another article on making money
from the comfort of your own home with my Amazing Sales
Formula and Internet Marketing!
Today we will go over the 5th "P" in
The Amazing Sales Formula...... Persistence.
When I was a kid growing up in Imperial, Nebraska I was
lucky to be raised in a family where I learned at a
young age what it meant to be persistent.
It didn't matter what we were doing we were always
setting goals and figuring out ways to hit them.
That right there is the foundation for success in
almost anything in life. Did you catch that?
Set a goal and figure out a way to hit it!
It has been written that anything the mind of man can
believe and conceive it can achieve. A very catchy phrase
that I still remember 25 years after hearing it.
This is not an article on goal setting and your belief system.
I am going to assume you have set a goal and are committed
to hitting it. If it involves a product you really believe
in then you will hit that goal eventually as long as you
Usually the difference between failure and success comes
down to persistence. If you have followed the other 4 "P's"
and have GREAT:
1. Products
2. People
3. Pricing
4. Promotions
Then you really just have to be persistent to reach your
goal. This is alot easier said than done. Why! Because of
distractions that help us take our eyes off of the goal.
Here is an example of this using myself.
I like to break my goals into 3 areas.
1. Short Term
2. Intermediate
3. Long Term
I usually work backwords on this. My long term goal is
to earn a 6 figure income from the comfort of my own home.
My intermediate goal is to build an opt in list of 30,000
names I can market my products and services online.
My short term goal is to market my online business everyday.
Here's what happens in a typical week.
My older son has 2 basketball games.
My younger son has 2 practices and 2 basketball games.
My wife who has fibromyalgia is tired at the end of the day
and doesn't feel up to running them around to all of their activites.
Dinner needs to be made. Laundry has to be done.
The house has to be cleaned...etc...etc.
I am busy during the day promoting 2 off line businesses I am
involved in. Before I know it the day is over and I have not
done one thing to build my internet marketing company that day.
Does this sound familiar? Of course it does. We all have
distractions that take our eyes off our GOALS! This to me
is really where persistence comes in.
I can always re-group and start again tomorrow. Why? Because I
really want to earn a 6 figure income from the comfort of my own home!
And I will be persistent until that happens.
The great thing about persistence is that it helps keep
our minds sharp and looking for ways to reach our goals.
This is always changing. What you do today may be different than what
you do tommorow. You have to keep looking for new and better ways!
O.K...Here's the good news!
If you persist in reaching your goal you will always find new ways to
better help you do just that.I have seen countless examples of people
who "QUIT" before they ever had the chance to become successful.
Their goal was not larger than themselves and they did not persit
long enough to reach it. It's that simple. You have to stick with
something long enough to become good at it and long enough to give
yourself the chance to learn how to become successful doing it!
Not everything is going to go right the first time no matter
how perfect it seems to you!
These are all courses in themselves as well, but the bottom line
is be persistent enough to give yourself a chance to reach your goal...
Whatever that might be!
Do you have a Long Term, Intermediate, and Short Term Goal?
Are you doing something everyday towards reaching that goal?
Are you willing to devote perhaps years to reach your long term goal?
If the answer is yes than I applaud you and wish you much
luck and success to go along with your GREAT PERTSISTENCE!
"P" Your Way To Online Success With Great Persistence!
© 2002 Jeff D. Schuman
Jeff Schuman here with another article on making money
from the comfort of your own home with my Amazing Sales
Formula and Internet Marketing!
Today we will go over the 5th "P" in
The Amazing Sales Formula...... Persistence.
When I was a kid growing up in Imperial, Nebraska I was
lucky to be raised in a family where I learned at a
young age what it meant to be persistent.
It didn't matter what we were doing we were always
setting goals and figuring out ways to hit them.
That right there is the foundation for success in
almost anything in life. Did you catch that?
Set a goal and figure out a way to hit it!
It has been written that anything the mind of man can
believe and conceive it can achieve. A very catchy phrase
that I still remember 25 years after hearing it.
This is not an article on goal setting and your belief system.
I am going to assume you have set a goal and are committed
to hitting it. If it involves a product you really believe
in then you will hit that goal eventually as long as you
Usually the difference between failure and success comes
down to persistence. If you have followed the other 4 "P's"
and have GREAT:
1. Products
2. People
3. Pricing
4. Promotions
Then you really just have to be persistent to reach your
goal. This is alot easier said than done. Why! Because of
distractions that help us take our eyes off of the goal.
Here is an example of this using myself.
I like to break my goals into 3 areas.
1. Short Term
2. Intermediate
3. Long Term
I usually work backwords on this. My long term goal is
to earn a 6 figure income from the comfort of my own home.
My intermediate goal is to build an opt in list of 30,000
names I can market my products and services online.
My short term goal is to market my online business everyday.
Here's what happens in a typical week.
My older son has 2 basketball games.
My younger son has 2 practices and 2 basketball games.
My wife who has fibromyalgia is tired at the end of the day
and doesn't feel up to running them around to all of their activites.
Dinner needs to be made. Laundry has to be done.
The house has to be cleaned...etc...etc.
I am busy during the day promoting 2 off line businesses I am
involved in. Before I know it the day is over and I have not
done one thing to build my internet marketing company that day.
Does this sound familiar? Of course it does. We all have
distractions that take our eyes off our GOALS! This to me
is really where persistence comes in.
I can always re-group and start again tomorrow. Why? Because I
really want to earn a 6 figure income from the comfort of my own home!
And I will be persistent until that happens.
The great thing about persistence is that it helps keep
our minds sharp and looking for ways to reach our goals.
This is always changing. What you do today may be different than what
you do tommorow. You have to keep looking for new and better ways!
O.K...Here's the good news!
If you persist in reaching your goal you will always find new ways to
better help you do just that.I have seen countless examples of people
who "QUIT" before they ever had the chance to become successful.
Their goal was not larger than themselves and they did not persit
long enough to reach it. It's that simple. You have to stick with
something long enough to become good at it and long enough to give
yourself the chance to learn how to become successful doing it!
Not everything is going to go right the first time no matter
how perfect it seems to you!
These are all courses in themselves as well, but the bottom line
is be persistent enough to give yourself a chance to reach your goal...
Whatever that might be!
Do you have a Long Term, Intermediate, and Short Term Goal?
Are you doing something everyday towards reaching that goal?
Are you willing to devote perhaps years to reach your long term goal?
If the answer is yes than I applaud you and wish you much
luck and success to go along with your GREAT PERTSISTENCE!