Haunted Hotels in Norwich, Norfolk
- England is reportedly filled with spirits of the dead and ghostly activity.homme r?av?? image by Francis Lemp??ri?¡§re from Fotolia.com
England is rich in history and tales of tragedy. Some with an interest in paranormal research say that many areas of England are also inhabited with ghosts. Residents and tourists near the English town of Norwich, Norfolk will not have far to look for a spooky encounter. Several hotels in the area are reportedly near full capacity with the spirits of visitors past. - Reportedly the oldest hotel in England, Maid's Head Hotel is a 13th-century hotel situated in the oldest part of the city. According to many former guests and workers of the establishment, Maid's Head Hotel is also the permanent residence of several ghosts. There have been reports of sightings of a former maid, long since dead who still wanders the property and leaves behind the strong scent of lavender perfume. Another spirit who reportedly haunts the property is the ghost of the town's former mayor, who likes to walk the grounds of the hotel's courtyard.
While rates vary based upon dates and length of stay, typical rates as of July 2010 were $109 per night in American dollars or 71 British pounds.
Maid's Head Hotel
20 Tombland
Norwich NR3 1LB
United Kingdom
011-0844-600-8720 - Just two miles from Norwich, in the village of Reepham, is the Old Brewery House Hotel. The Old Brewery House Hotel is reportedly filled beyond the capacity of its 23 well-appointed bedrooms. Guests and workers at the hotel report mysterious sounds and the movement of objects by unseen hands. Shadowy figures have also been known to appear and disappear out of nowhere.
Nightly rates vary according to date and length of stay, but typical rates as of July 2010 were 67 British pounds or $102 American dollars per night.
Old Brewery House
Market Square
Reepham, Norwich NR10 4JJ
United Kingdom
011-01603-870881 - Sherbourne House is an inn located just 14 miles outside of Norwich, Norfolk in the village of Attleborough. Built around 1740, Sherbourne House is said to be haunted by a woman wearing a long, white dress, as well as several children. Things have been known to move on their own through the guidance of unseen hands. Guests have reported awakening to see the image of a young woman dressed in white standing above their bed who then mysteriously disappears. Workers of the hotel have reported anomalies such as the lights turning on and off by themselves and doors opening and closing on their own.
While rates vary based on room selection and date of stay, typical rates per night as of July 2010 were 85 British pounds or $130 American dollars per night.
Sherbourne House
8 Norwich Road
Attleborough, NR17 2JX
United Kingdom
011-01953- 454363