Pregnancy and Chemo a Risky Combo

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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

PET - CT Scanning Vs Cancer

By combining PET and CT scans, cancer diagnoses are now more accurate and radiologists are more certain in their findings. Clearer images allow for more precise radiation therapy, which means less radiation exposure to adjacent, healthy tissues, and a reduction of side effects of radiation therapy.

Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

A diagnosis of lung cancer can be quite devastating to the patient and his family. Lung cancer is one of the most deadly, yet preventable cancers. More people die from lung cancer than breast, prostate and colon cancer combined. Early detection is the key to lengthening life expectancy of lung cance

Survival Rate of Lung Cancer

Over half of the over two thousand people who on the average contract lung cancer each year are dead within five years after the initial diagnosis of lung cancer. This statistic is a terrible one, that is to be admitted, but it also is important to also take into account that there are over forty pe

Hope for Children Suffering From Leukemia

Half a century ago, childhood leukemia was essentially incurable, but significant investment into leukemia research during the intervening years has had a tremendous impact on treatment outcomes. For example, the cure rate at modern treatment ...

Pink Ribbons, Pink Fatigue And Breast Cancer Awareness

Many people dread the annual arrival of Pink Ribbon October. Pink ribbons cover a zillion products, reminding us to get a mammogram, be breast aware, and spend for the Cause! Does all this pink help - or does it just cause pink fatigue? Learn more about pink ribbons and breast cancer awareness here.

Mesothelioma And Adenocarcinomas Of The Lung

The profile of strong keratin staining and weak or absent CEA staining appears characteristic of mesotheliomas and may be diagnostically useful in defining the epithelial element of neoplasms

Uncontrolled Cell Growth in Cancer

Syncytial cells are out of control cell division owing to the presence of multinucleation in a cytoplasm without cell walls forming lumps and tumors in a tissue except leukemia where normal blood function is prohibited by abnormal cell division the the blood stream. As we age, our DNA mutates and th

What Are the Symptoms of Stage 4 Brain Cancer?

About 35,000 people are diagnosed with cancer of the brain each year. It is caused by abnormal growths known as brain tumors that spread to other parts of the body, usually resulting in death. The most common brain cancers are caused by normal cells becoming abnormal and beginning to grow and become

Cancer - Are There Real Natural Remedies?

Alternative treatments for cancer are being searched for like never before, the traditional way of treating cancer has been ultimately failing. Chemo therapy is getting about a 7% success rate, I don't know about you but that is not a very big number.

Turn On Gene, Turn Off Cancer?

The p53 gene may help curb or even eliminate cancer, says a Spanish cancer expert who reviewed lab tests on p53 in mice.

Hormone Therapy May Fight Resistant Prostate Cancer

Research reveals that a new hormone treatment could be used to fight certain type of prostate cancer that is resistant even to removal of testicles by surgery. The research is divided into three phases out of which two phases have been successfully completed. Though the results look promising, there

Alternative Medicine for Breast Cancer

This article discusses alternative cures for cancer. The article deals with the notion that successful cancer treatment is enhanced when conventional medicine and alternative medicine are used together to treat cancer. The herbs and supplements discussed here have been proved by science to help reli

IUDs May Help Treat Endometrial Cancer

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) -- used to prevent pregnancy -- may also be an effective treatment for some patients with early-stage uterine cancer who want to preserve their fertility.