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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Acne Treatments
Are you feeling distressing because of the pimples on your face? If you are thinking that your pimples is difficult to get rid of, think again. It is easy to help help treat pimples problems ...
Soothing the Symptoms and Slowing the Progression of Cancer With Home Remedies
Many cancer patients have discovered that they may successfully soothe the symptoms and slow the progression of their disease with home remedies. Surprisingly, individuals that have not been diagnosed with cancer may use the same home remedies as a prevention measure. Many people do not realize it,
Win Your Fight Against Breast Cancer
Breasts (B) in woman pass through many changes. Starting from childhood changes keep on occurring until you reach adulthood. Basically changes are very important part of breast development. However there appear some abnormalities in the ...
How to Find and Choose a Lawyer to Fight Your Mesothelioma Case
How to be in the receiving end of the $600 million dollar federal mesothelioma recovery budget and win your case with a good alwyer.
7 Myths About Prostate Cancer
Myths are easily started and generally out of fear they easily spread. Here are 7 prostate cancer myths exposed.
Important Information Dealing With Hormone Treatment For Prostate Cancer
Once a prostate tumor is present in the body, certain male hormones help to promote its growth.So hormone treatment can be used to block the production of those male hormones, resulting in either stalling the growth of the cancer or even shrinking the existing cancer. This method can be very effecti
Breast Cancer Alert Distant Metastasis Of Cancer Cells
Breast cancer alert distant metastasis of cancer cells
Air Pollution May Up Lung Cancer Risk
City air can kill you: A new study shows decades of breathing air pollution may increase the risk of lung cancer.
Need for Homeopathic Cancer Treatment in India
Medicine has become a popular trend in India. Every day we hear a lot of people complaining about health problems and in turn, thronging hospitals and clinics for medical help. One of the deadly diseases ...
Celebrex May Slow, Prevent Skin Cancers
There is mounting evidence that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may help prevent or slow the growth of non-melanoma skin cancers.
Primary Peritoneal Cancer Prognosis - Is it a Death Sentence?
A cancer diagnosis is devastating. A stage IV cancer diagnosis is even worse. Primary Peritoneal Cancer Prognosis is not great but it is manageable.
Coffee and Esophageal Cancer
Physicians have for a longer period of time wondered if hot beverages like tea and coffee increased the chances of getting disease. Studies were conducted among people who had higher disease rates (abnormal rates) and tried to find out the factors responsible for the condition.
Lung Cancer Vaccines: Current Status and Future Prospects
Find out how a greater understanding of the immune system and tumor antigens has led to advances in the use of immunotherapy -- including vaccines to target lung cancer.
Avoid Skin Cancer: Some Simple Tips
Skin cancer and its most dangerous form, melanoma, are among the most widespread types of cancers at present. This condition is serious and may be deadly. The good news is that prevention is easy and simple. Learn how to protect yourself effectively.
Healthy Lifestyle Can Lower Cancer Risk
Cancer risk goes down as the number of healthful habits goes up, a new study shows.
Your Woman Has Cancer?
Whether it's your wife, sister, or daughter, few things are more frightening than when a woman in your life is diagnosed with breast cancer. Most men feel like they're supposed to protect their families.
The Cancer Diet - Making it Easy
Eating to prevent cancer or to boost your immune system during you battle with the disease before or after chemo, radiation, or instead of... whichever your choice it doesn't need to be difficult. If you are accustomed to eating the typical north American diet of animal meats and fats, and fast
Treating Breast Cancer Metastases to the Lung and Brain?
A 37-year-old woman who underwent treatment for a T3N1M0 breast carcinoma presents 15 momths later with metastases.