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Environmental : Health & Medical

Electric Vehicle Conversion - The Global Impact

There are some significant Global issues which will influence your decision to convert your gas powered vehicle to an electric vehicle. Although your single project will not change the course of politics or have a fundamental impact on the environment, it is good to know that you are doing your bit

Half the Food Produced Globally Is - Wasted?

It seems the food crisis that we are currently facing, blamed largely on decreasing yields due to climate change, depleted soil, lack of adequate water, and so on, is more a crisis of management than production. In fact, there is strong evidence that the world could feed it's entire population,

African Penguin: The Vanishing Act

Whenever we see videos of penguins, we think that penguins only live in the cold Antarctic. We don't ever think that there are other types of penguins, and especially don't think they live in hot places like Africa. Penguins do live in Africa, but do they actually live?

Worm Farming Just Makes Sense

Worm farming has been around for years on various scales.While the reasons for worm farming are not widely known, those who participate are big believers in the benefits that these worms have on the environment.

Environmental Sustainability and Distributive Justice

Although environmental sustainability offers a vision to preserve the earth's resources while sustaining life on earth, there tends to be injustice and disparity in how resources are allocated across the globe. As such, the question that arises is who will environmental sustainability benefit?

The Treatment, Storage and Transportation of Contaminated Waste

Companies that produce in excess of 500 kilograms or 500 litres of contaminated waste in any year, that is also hazardous, must register with the Environment Agency in the UK.Contaminated waste can be treated in many cases to render it harmless, or at least less harmful, to the environment. This is

What Does it Mean to Be Carbon Neutral?

There is a lot of talk about your carbon footprint and becoming carbon neutral, but what do these terms actually mean? A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases or carbon emissions caused by a person, company or product. This footprint can be estimated right down to the amount of greenhou

Biodegradable Plastic: The Benefits

As its name suggests is a type of plastic, which can be decomposed naturally, thus less harmful to the environment. Biodegradable plastic can be composed from renewable raw materials.

Sewer Service

How to Protect Yourself from the Sewer Service? Typically speaking, a renowned company engaging in fraudulent business affairs will be known to be a sewer service. This is a phrase loosely used in legal proceedings when referringto bad process serving.

How to Properly Install a Solar Panel

Solar energy is the most economic and environment friendly way to heat, get electricity and water with just a little endeavor. It is the preferred way to get sufficient energy for the fulfillment of your daily needs. Solar energy has made the use of solar panels progressively more popular. Solar pow

How We Can Help Save the Environment From Our Homes

Saving the environment is everyone's responsibility. No one is exempted from it as each of us must do our part in order to make sure that the environment is conserved and saved not only for those of us who are here today but more importantly, for future generations. And it is something that sho

Wastewater Terminology - The A-B-Cs You Need to Know

Most people not involved with wastewater treatment do not understand the various terms used in the business of wastewater treatment. There are many who would like to know and understand what these mean as wastewater treatment is emerging as one of the most environment-friendly industries. In this ar

Florida Doing Its Best to Keep the Junk Out

Anyone who has ever been to the Sunshine State can attest to the beauty that abounds here. And as beautiful as it is, it is also extremely sensitive to the introduction of toxins into its fragile ecosystems. That's why Florida junk yards are working harder than ever to protect this wondrous env