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Diabetes : Health & Medical

Complete Guide to Diabetes Book Review

My book review of the fifth edition of the Complete Guide to Diabetes from the American Diabetes Association. Think this guide has what it takes to become part of your diabetes library?

Yes, Diabetes is Curable - And Shouldn't This Be Front Page News?

Diabetes in its modern epidemic form is a curable disease and has been for the last 40 years.However, in America your physician will almost never tell you that this is so.Matter of fact he may become upset that you would even suggest such a thing.

You Are at Risk As 'Victims' Of Diabetes?

Diabetes is one of the most serious disease, threatening the health and lives of millions. However, not everyone is aware of their risk. Recent years, the number of diabetes patients treated in hospitals is increasing.

Avoid This Well Known Chemical That Can Worsen Your Diabetes

Did you know that if you have diabetes you may be daily ingesting a well known chemical that can worsen your diabetes? The United States government even has health data statistics that show that people who have high levels of this chemical in their bodies have 2.43% increased odds at having diabetes

Beat Sugar Cravings for Good

Last week I talked about cereals and how much of a problem they can cause with health. I feel this is down to the high processing and high sugar content of the cereal. Today a topic a lot of people suffer with is cravings and cravings for sugar in particular(how often do we crave a bag of spinach!!)

About Type 2 Diabetes & Diet Drinks

Diabetes continues to be on the rise in the United States with 8 percent of the population currently suffering from the disease. Type 2 diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent or adult-onset diabetes, accounts for approximately 95 percent of all diabetes cases. The onset of type 2 diabetes is

Walking and Diabetes - Tips and Strategies

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to manage diabetes. Walking is one of the easiest and most natural ways to a healthier you. Why not go for a walk today?

Diabetes Diet Menu - Meals For Diabetics

If you have pre-diabetes, it is due to that as a result of your body's insulin not working fine to transfer glucose into your body's cells. It is always referred to as insulin resistance and can develop over time into diabetes Type. The principles of dietary risk reduction include achievin

Can You Tell When Your Blood Sugar Levels Are High?

Type 2 diabetes is defined by chronic hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar levels and this is the greatest single danger for people with type 2 diabetes. Over time too much sugar in your blood is linked with long term health complications such as kidney failure, heart disease and even blindness.

How to Manage Type II Diabetes Effectively

Type 2 diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes or mature onset diabetes, is a life-long disease marked by higher sugar levels that have significantly built up in blood. It is sometimes described as a 'lifestyle disease' because it is more common in people who lack in suffici

Diabetes Control Diet For Healthy Nutrition

Diabetes patients are limited in the type of foods they can eat, but with the right recipes they can still enjoy great food dishes. If you suffer from diabetes you should have a diabetes control diet to implement.

Prediabetes Diet

When your blood sugar is higher than normal but not quite high enough for you to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, then you are among the millions of Americans with a condition called prediabetes. Along with the obviously increased odds that you will eventually become diabetic, you will also have g

Type 2 Diabetes - Why Diabetics Might Want To Consider A Fitness Tracker

Having data gives anyone with Type 2 diabetes power. Having a true view of how much exercise you are doing, how much you're eating and what your blood sugar levels are, not just what you may believe them to be, can help you make some effective improvements. One of the hottest new pieces of tech

When Type 2 Diabetes Overlaps With Thyroid Problems!

An astonishing number of Type 2 diabetics have mild to moderate thyroid deficiencies. And an astonishing number of people who have hypothyroidism also develop Type 2 diabetes. Hypothyroidism in which an under-active gland causes weight gain, develops over time and disturbs your body's efforts t

New Treatment For Diabetes - Great New Alternative For Diabetics

Treating diabetes is hard to do. You have no options except doing it otherwise your diabetes problem will get worse and lead you to the death. Surrender is not a choice and keep treating diabetes is an option that you can't refuse. If that so, it will be relieving if you now various ways to tre

Signs and Symptoms of Charcot Foot in Type 1 Diabetes

Charcot foot most commonly affects people with diabetes.diabetic tools monitor image by Photoeyes from Fotolia.comCharcot foot is a condition that weakens and degenerates the joints in the feet. It is associated with nerve damage, and according to, it most commonly...

Why All Diabetics Should Love Dietary Fiber!

Every person, diabetic or not, should know about the seemingly endless benefits of dietary fiber. Health care providers and nutritionists have been urging patients to eat high fiber foods since the 1970s, and it's time we all understood why. In fact, if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, dieta