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First Aid & Hospitals & Surgery : Health & Medical

CPR Training for a Baby

When performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on an infant, a rescuer must be aware of his technique. The methods for rescue breathing and compressing an infant's chest will be customized to the infant's size and weight. Because an infant cannot speak, the rescuer must understand the difference betw

What Are the Benefits of Knowing CPR?

CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a technique for helping an individual whose heart has stopped due to a heart attack or other incident. Although used by medical professionals, nonprofessionals can learn and apply CPR, too. CPR can help the stricken person survive until medical help arrives.

How to Heal Ligaments After Hip Surgery

Healing hip ligaments after surgery is a process that requires time, attention, medication and the care of a physician and physical therapist. Hip surgery usually affects two of the three hip ligaments: the iliotibial band or the labrum. Both ligaments are crucial for hip flexibility and motion, a

Pregnancy Questions for Doctors

Choosing your doctor or midwife for your journey through pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most important decisions you will make. It's crucial that your philosophies complement each other and that you trust your caregiver to help you make difficult decisions. When you first meet your doctor, i

First Aid Tips for Minor Injuries

Be prepared for minor injuries. WebMD explains earn what first aid supplies you need and the steps to take to treat minor injuries quickly and calmly.

How to Heal Skin Burns

The skin is the largest organ in the body by surface area, and every inch of it is vulnerable to injury. The American Burn Association classifies burns into three levels of severity based upon patient risk. Major burns include any incurred by infants or the elderly, those complicated by other trauma

How to Avoid Frostbite

If you or your children must be outdoors in cold weather, whether by choice or necessity, it's very important that you take steps to avoid frostbite. A mild case of frostbite isn't really dangerous, but it can be annoying. However, a bad case of frostbite can cause serious problems.

Signs and Symptoms of Bedbugs

It's a creepy, crawly feeling to think you may have bedbugs. These tiny wingless insects feed solely on the blood of warm-blooded animals, according to the Harvard School of Public Health (see References below). Red welts, itching and black dots in your bed may be signs that these unwanted visitors

Olympics 2014: Doctoring From the Sidelines

In anticipation of the Winter Olympics, former New York Jets sideline physician Robert Glatter, MD, talks about the most common athletic injuries and how to treat and prevent them.

Signs & Symptoms at 3 to 4 Weeks Pregnant

The first 12 weeks of pregnancy is considered the first trimester. The baby at this point is still a ball of cells, which would be hard to recognize as a fetus. Some women have missed their pregnancy at this point and are suddenly noticing signs and symptoms of pregnancy. It is important to notice t

Physchological Impact of Foot Amputation

Many emotions can accompany the experience of a foot amputation, heralding in feelings that can lead to anger and depression. Therefore, it isn't surprising that a foot amputation can have a psychological impact on the amputee just as much as a physical one.

What Are the Duties of an Office Assistant in a Medical Setting?

Office assistants assist doctorsdoctor image by JASON WINTER from Fotolia.comMedical office assistants are health-care professionals who help doctors and other clinical staff by handling administrative duties. They are crucial in helping the office run efficiently, and are often the front...

Benefits of Wearing Goggles

Delicate eyes need protection.tinted black swimming goggles image by Steve Johnson from Fotolia.comGoggles that seal tightly around the eyes offer the best protection for the wearer. Safety glasses (glasses with clear, non-corrective lenses) are often used as eye protection, particularly...