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Food & Drink : Health & Medical

Bobby Flay's Bar Americain in NYC is Elegant and Delicious

There's a reason why Bobby Flay is a celebrity chef-he has what it takes - class and culinary skills.This brasserie in Mid-town Manhattan was a perfect special evening for two women celebrating their mother-daughter relationship.

How to Choose the Catering Services For Office

Office seminars are not only meant for interacting with your colleagues but also to build new relationships in work place. Some of the companies also invite all their investors and stake holders as well to ...

Food and Cooking

We can never live without food. Some peoples have much food and some others have only some food, but it is always around when one needs it. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the main squares, are what we always have daily.

The importance of bread in daily life

Bread is one of the basic foods in our Mediterranean diet and cuisine. There are people who prefer the crust and who prefers the crumb, but everybody loves this typical product of our tradition. Even ...

Green Coffee Beans For Sale-Find Them Over The Web

Obese people should look for green coffee beans for sale instead of searching diet pills. Take a branded green coffee and use it as advised. The product would not only reduce your weight but also ...

All About Tapas Small Plates

First, how do you pronounce Tapas? When pronounced correctly, it sounds like [TAH-pahs]. If pronounced like a typical United States-er, like me, it might be heard as sounding like TAP-uhs ... It's your choice!

Which Lunch Box Should I Choose?

I remember when I when I was a kid I could not wait for school to start, because that meant one thing. I would get a brand new lunch box. It was great.

Making the Perfect Meringue

Because of its light, airy and sweet characteristics, the meringue can either be eaten by itself or be the basis of other desserts. Thus, you have recipes for Eton mess, Pavlova, meringue pie and cookies, ...

Counterfeit Veal

Boneless, skinless chicken breasts are many a cook's favorite parts. They offer a blank slate, the beginning of many a culinary masterpiece. You can even counterfeit veal with them. It's only fair since veal was used to counterfeit chicken not long ago. Many great boneless skinless chicken

Affect of Food on our Relationships

This article outlines how our food choice may have an indirect affect on our relationships with people around us. The reason cascade from food choice to emotions to our behavior and its subsequent affect on relationships.

Go Green With Organic Tea

More and more tea varieties are available as organic nowadays. Every variety of tea, whether Black, Green tea, White, or Oolong tea, is cultivated in some regions under protocols of organic cultivation. This trend has ...

Coffee Is a Jamaican Specialty: Have You Had Your Morning Coffee?

Jamaican coffee is a premier product which is enjoyed worldwide. The two main types of coffees grown in Jamaica are Blue Mountain and Jamaica Prime coffees. The Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is grown in the famous Jamaican Blue Mountains in the parish of St. Andrew, while Jamaica Prime is grown in t

3 Delicious and Healthy Low Calorie Snacks

Natural weight loss diet is low in calories and high in fiber. Indian food qualifies these criteria and that is why many weight loss aspirants are seeking Indian vegetarian diet. Indian diet is low in cholesterol, fat and trans-fat. Indian food has adequate amounts of naturally balanced mixture of p