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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical

Tongue Symptoms in ALS

Also called Lou Gehrig's Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive disease that degenerates the neurological system. The nerve cells waste away and begin to die, which causes the normal messages that are sent to muscles to slow down and often to cease. There are two types of ALS:

Childhood ADHD Symptoms

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of childhood ADHD symptoms including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Treating ADHD: Drugs or Therapy Work

Three years after starting treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), children continue to experience improvement in their symptoms, regardless of which treatment they use, a major follow-up study shows.

Managing Meningioma

Often, meningiomas only require periodic evaluation. Sometimes, however, treatment is called for.

The Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Epilepsy

How great is the risk of posttraumatic epilepsy following traumatic brain injury? And how does it differ, both in presentation and treatment, from other forms of epilepsy?


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of dementia including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Kids With Autism Need Handwriting Help

Kids battling autism face an extra hurdle: handwriting. They need more help overcoming subtle motor-control issues that make handwriting difficult, researchers find.

Women, Pregnancy, and Epilepsy

Women with epilepsy overwhelmingly have healthy babies. But it's important to work closely with doctors throughout the pregnancy to ensure that they are taking the right epilepsy medications and other supplements to prevent against birth defects. WebMD tells you more.

Lumbar Microdiscectomy: Historical Perspective and Techniques

Lumbar discectomy has become the most common neurosurgical procedure in the US, with nearly 300,000 procedures performed each year because of the epidemic problem of low-back pain, which leads to 15 million physician visits per year and has created a tremendous financial burden on society exceeding