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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical

Tic Disorders and Twitches

WebMD explains the difference between tics and twitches, including their causes, symptoms, and treatment.

'Second Thoughts' Are Real

Free will comes from a different part of the brain than "free won't" -- that last minute decision not to do something you were about to do.

Diet May Sway Alzheimer's Death Rate

Alzheimer's disease patients may live longer if they follow a traditional Mediterranean diet, doctors report in the journal Neurology.

Schizophrenic Disorders & Treatments

Schizophrenia--a serious, chronic mental illness--makes up approximately one-third of U.S. homeless and a quarter of all mental health costs. Many afflicted are unable to hold jobs and live normal, well-adjusted lives, and thus the disorder places an undue burden on the public health system. While s

ADHD Tests

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of tests that may help a doctor diagnose ADHD including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Selecting a Safe Opioid

Dr. Charles Argoff discusses the metabolic and safety profiles of opioid therapies and offers advice on how to choose wisely.

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis and the Accompanied Depression

Quite frequently, prior to the actual diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, a person will experience inexplicable and apparently strange signs that is mysterious. The person will be mystified, disorientated and often frightened when numbness, weakness occurs as well as other neurological symptoms.