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Parenting : Health & Medical
Winning the Battle and the War -Parenting A Strong-Willed Child
Does your child seem to be so much more difficult to handle than the others you see?Never may just have a strong-willed child.Here are some tips on how to be a stronger parent for them.
Helping Children With Competitiveness
Although a competitive personality can motivate your child to do his best, an unhealthful level of competitiveness can lead to stress and unhappiness. Competitive children might lose friends or develop a bad reputation after exhibiting over-the-top victory celebrations or tantrums upon losing, accor
Toddlers - From a Mans Point of View
The toddler stage is the best stage for parents. What's so great about it?
Reasons for Risky Behavior in Teens
Teens may exhibit risky behavior for many reasons. Some of these behaviors are within the scope of their control, yet some are not necessarily within their power to manage; to muddy the waters even further, many of the behaviors overlap and do not have clearly delineated motivations.
Increase the Self-esteem of Your Children Today
There are thousands of children who don't feel good about themselves, yet their parents are not doing anything about it. It could be because they have the mentality that soon their own kids can rise ...
Helpful Advice If Your Child Is Afraid of the Dark
Darkness inspires a sense of mystery even in adults so it's no wonder that a child's imagination often plays tricks when the lights go out. Unfortunately, late night struggles with sleep are nothing to take lightly - sleep is essential for good health and brain function, so that "wild
Favorite Brown Bag School Lunches
Many fathers and families are looking for ways to economize and still provide a nutritious lunch for their children at school. Here are some great and healthy lunches that can be packed in advance for brown bag school lunches.
Crazy Over Designer Diaper Bags?
Were you just out to find a gift for a friend or for yourself on a very special occasion? Is she a new mommy? Here's an idea for you! Why not grab a diaper bag for her? Yes, it's very easy to grab any traditional baby bag at the mall. But this gift must be something really special for a ne
19 Do's and Don'ts in Child Training
Parents have a way of contributing immensely to the ruin of their children; they only recognize this when it is late. Parents are advised to be wary of these things before they get out of hand.
Lullabies for Babies
Mothers have been singing lullabies to their babies since time immemorial. When I was a new mother, I, too, attempted to sing lullabies. But I often forgot the lyrics, so I hummed whatever came into my head.
Baby Boomers - Are We Selfish
Are we selfish or do we think sharing means "can't afford". The flavor of life in America during the 1940's & 1950's was everyone pulling together, helping each other get ahead and share in the wealth and opportunities the country was ready to offer. The word share didn&apos
How to Baby Proof Your Home
Is your baby crawling, and pulling himself up on everything? Then it's time to baby proof your house.Here are some ideas tohelp you make your home safe for your baby and how to baby proofyour home.
Do Not Let Parenting Stress You Out
Parenting does not always have to be a stressful job. There are ways to take care of your kids without always getting stressed out. Here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their daily stresses and anxieties while taking care of the kids.Share the responsibilities of being a
13 Tips to Baby Proof Your Home
Keeping your baby safe takes on a new dimension when they start to become mobile. As they begin to crawl, walk, climb and run, they become vulnerable to bumps, falls, and injuries. Before you baby reaches this stage of development, make sure you baby proof your home. Keep in mind that when it comes
Defiant Disorder Treatment - Getting Help When You Need It From The Experts
If your child or teen is really rather unpleasant and indulges in a lot of violent and aggressive behavior, then there may be a defiant disorder present. All children have their off days and can be downright difficult. But if this forms a consistent pattern and is disrupting the home, your child&apo
Majority of Parents With Guns Don't Follow Safety Guidelines
Less than one-half of gun-owning parents report that they follow recommendations for safe firearm storage in their homes, according to these survey results published in the November issue of the journal Pediatrics.
About Mini Cribs
One of the most important features found in your newborn baby's nursery is a crib. It is essential in every household that has a little baby angel. Cribs are needed to give baby his or her personal place to sleep since most of the baby's activity is sleeping and eating. However, there are
Christopher reads books about adoption and foster care and gives his review as seen through his 12 year old eyes.
Why Choose Organic Baby Clothing?
While baby clothes are not difficult to buy in general, if you care for your child enough to insist on only natural or organic baby clothes then you may find the task a little more difficult. This article will assist those who want to do the best for babies skin find and buy organic babywear with a