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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

Psoriasis and Hair Loss - Are They Or Are They Not Related?

If you have psoriasis and have discovered that you are losing some of your hair, you are not alone in asking if they are connected. Psoriasis is mainly an autoimmune disease of the skin and joints where scaly, red patches appear. The disease manifests itself in different areas of the body and not wh

Eczema in Children and Babies

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of eczema in children and babies including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Anti Wrinkle Skin Care Products That You Need

I believe that you are among the people who have major skin care problems like wrinkles. I presume that you use anti wrinkle skin care products that can reduce or better yet remove your skin problems. Let me give you some advice.

Amazing Aloe Vera Products Benefits For Your Skin

Aloe Vera is a wonder product that consists of natural and herbal ingredients beneficial for the physical as well as mental fitness of a human being. Because of its easy availability and usefulness it has gained so much of popularity among the people.

How Can Anti Wrinkle Skin Cream Work on My Skin?

When it comes to getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines, a lot of people think surgical treatments and other invasive methods work better on that score. Find out how effective anti wrinkle skin cream is and how it can work on one's skin.

Video: How to Heal Razor Burn Fast

Video Transcript Hi, I'm Nadiyah Abdul, and we're hanging out at Fresh From Earth. This video is going to show you how to heal razor burn fast. To prevent razor burn from occurring, you want to make sure you're using a shaving lotion or a shaving gel so that the razor glides smoothly...

Help for Elbow Wounds and Scars

A wound on or around the elbow results in a long road of healing. Once the wound has been cleaned and left to heal, the body begins its work. Blood vessels are formed, collagen is ...

Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Mohs micrographic surgery is a type of surgery performed on the skin and named after the surgeon Dr. Frederic Mohs. It is most commonly used for skin cancers on the head and neck, but also for other high risk skin cancers. The skin cancer is removed layer by layer. Each layer is examined under a mic

Aging And Skin Greasiness - They Can Be Fixed

Aging and skin greasiness are not necessarily related, but you could have both problems. Everyone will have issues with their skin as they age. Some people will have dryness issues too, while others will have excessive oiliness. Here, you can learn about solutions for all of those problems.

A Beginner's Guide To Skin Care Essentials

Young girls are clueless about the key skin care essentials. They have no criteria for choosing their skin care beauty products. If there is no guidance, most of them end up using random products.

Facial Mole Removal

There are three main procedures for facial mole removal: excision with cauterization, excision with stitches and laser therapy. The excision only is considered to fall in the surgical category, while

How to Get Rid of Eczema - Try Proven Natural Remedies

Few people will argue that eczema stands as one of the most bothersome and embarrassing conditions that affect the skin. Those that are dealing with this condition on a daily basis suffer terribly and are constantly looking for some kind of relief. Most have seen their doctors and have found that th

Collagen Skin Repair - The Ingredients That Will Give You Results

Yes, it is true that some of the collagen skin repair creams can give you real results provided they consist of the right ingredients and they follow the correct strategy. Here is an article, which tells you the internals of a collagen skin repair cream, which can give back the skin that you are yea

Cellulite- Way To Health and Smooth Skin!

If you fear cellulite, you will be delighted to find out that there are several ways cellulite formation can be avoided, follow these steps and you will find not just cellulite respite but a break from host of other health problems.