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Law & Legal & Attorney : Law & Legal & Attorney

Trademark Registration in India at an Affordable and Easy Way

While going for trademark registration in India, one should make sure that mark satisfies the requirement of distinctiveness contained in section 9 of the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958. This fact is common for trademark registration in Mumbai, Delhi or Bangalore.

How to choose an Appropriate Immigration Attorney or lawyer

Numerous occasions I have a potential customer around the telephone, or within the conference area in the course of a consultation, speaking openly as well as candidly about their life, their expertise, their ambitions, their ...

Do Bill Collectors Have Any Rules To Follow?

It may seem that your bill collectors don't have any rules. They call you at all times of the day and night and can even harass you, you abusive language, or mislead you to get you to pay your debt. Collectors actually are required to follow a set of rules put forth by the Fair Debt Collection

Florida Trusts: A Secure Method To Control Assets For A Secured Future

Maintain the confidentiality of financial data and control of assets can be done through Florida trusts, which also enables people to organize their future. Disabled people would need their assets to support themselves. So as to keep the assets secured even when they're being used, it would be

Speeding Accidents

Speeding is one of the most common traffic violations that occur on US roads. If you are in a hurry, going a few miles per hour over the limit may seem like an innocent means of getting to where you need to go quickly; however, speeding has its consequences. According to statistics gathered by the N

Background Checks - Information You Need to Provide For Accurate Results

Because of the great technology known as the Internet, performing a background check on a person is quick and easy. There are several reasons why you might want to perform a background check. Here are some reasons and cases where you should seriously consider performing a background check on an indi

Maine Marriage Records Available Copy Online

Avoid the complex process that go with searching for Public Marriage Records through state level offices. Don’t wait for days or weeks for that vital document that you need. Instead, go for the more efficient and hassle-free option and hire and trustworthy online record provider.

A Solicitor' s Guide To Why House Purchase Takes So Long

When you're excited about buying a new house, it can seem that the process is taking forever. Although there are some steps that take a while and cannot be skipped, there are some things you can do to help them happen faster. This article explains what these are.

Legal Requirements for a Declaration in California

The topic of this article is a brief discussion of the requirements for an affidavit or declaration in the State of California. Any party who has been served with a motion, opposition, or other pleading that contains an affidavit or declaration should carefully review it to determine if it does in f

Why Must The Sheriff Do The Levy?

Wouldn't it be great, if you could just bypass the Sheriff, and levy a debtor's wages or bank account yourself? You could simply ask that the payments go directly to you. There is no real harm in asking, however asking will be as effective and appropriate, as asking a dog to sing "Hap

Preservative You Identity Through Knowledge:Facts About Identity Theft

There are several ways that an individual can be victimized by thieves. For example an individual's home can be broken into and various personal possessions can be stolen. Some of those personal items could include computers, large screen televisions, jewelry, cash, etc.

Before The Divorce Lawyer: The Answers You Need

Having a marriage disintegrate before your eyes can be one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. Nevertheless, it happens every day. More than 50% of marriages now end before that hallowed ...

Red Flags Rule - Another Delay Gives Practices More Time to Comply

As most healthcare practice administrators are aware, the Federal Trade Commission issued the Red Flags Rule ("the Rule") in November 2007. The Rule requires that certain entities develop and implement identity theft policies and procedures to protect consumers. The American Medical Associ

How to Avoid Being Arrested For Drunken Driving

Most of us do not feel being under alcoholic influence even after a couple of drinks. However, there is every possibility that we might get arrested for the mere suspicion of drunken driving.

Requesting For Free Police Records In New York

Free Police Records can be very helpful in circumstances where a person is baffled in making a crucial decision that could possibly have a significant effect in the end. Such documents can unveil information that ...

How Lawyers and Private Investigators Work Together

The ways in which the NYC Private Investigators can help in the proceedings of the attorneys: Whether it is a civil case or a criminal case, the New York City private investigators can help a ...