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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal

Dog Walking Jobs In The UK

Dog walking that is a trend originally came from America and is now growing in the UK. Though not all dog walking in UK needs to be for self profit. There are dog charities such as the PSDA or RCPA which also need dog walkers.

Hello! Easy Dog Food Recipies!

When you choose to make your own dog food, you may just be saving it's life. It is a known fact that commercial dog food contains toxins that can be extremely harmful to your dog. Now I am not saying that all of the dog food you see in the store is bad, but wouldn't you feel better knowing

How to Use Roll Cages for Coonhound Training

Roll cages are similar to hamster balls in that they roll around when the animal, in this case, a raccoon, moves about inside. However, roll cages for raccoons have two flat sides so they are more cylinder in shape than a ball shape. The design allows a dog trainer to introduce a coonhound to a live

Dog Housebreaking Guidelines

If you have a new puppy or perhaps an older dog, you will know just how difficult it can be to keep their toilet habits in check. This is why it is important to implement dog housebreaking into your home; your dog should have a proper place to go to the toilet. If you have an older dog that is perha

How to Build Dog Kennels - The Basics

If you have been putting off building your dog a new home simply because you are not sure how to build dog kennels that are good enough to do the job then you might be surprised to find that they are easier to build that you think. With spring just around the corner there has never been a better tim

The Temperament of a Miniature Schnauzer

Many people get the impression that small dogs have a temperamental disposition and bark excessively, and they tend to view a Miniature Schnauzer in the same manner. This is not completely true where a Miniature Schnauzer is concerned.

The Best Small Breed Dog for Families

If you are considering a small dog breed for your family, there are quite a few to choose from. You need a dog that is good with children, and not so small and fragile that they would be injured during play. No matter which breed you choose, select a healthy dog with a good temperament. Just because

North Carolina Kennels for Dogs

North Carolina offers many natural, cultural and historical sites to visit.north carolina outline image by Kim Jones from Fotolia.comNorth Carolina is home to natural, cultural and historical attractions that draw large numbers of visitors yearly. For those visiting the state, North...

Dogs That Are Good for Asthma Sufferers

Poodles and poodle mixes are a good choice for those with asthma.poodle image by palms from Fotolia.comIf you sneeze every time your neighbor's dog comes up for a pat on the head it's not actually the dog you're allergic to but the dander produced by the dog. Dander is the dry skin that...

Medications Used for Canine Colitis

Colitis in the dog can causes many symptoms that are both uncomfortable and potentially life-threatening. If these symptoms persist for more than a day, medical attention should be sought, as medication or hospitalization may be needed to cure the dog. In most cases, several medications will be pres

How Hip Dysplasia In Dogs Is Diagnosed

Does your dog appear lame after exercise or have trouble getting up? It could be suffering from a condition called canine hip dysplasia (CHD). This article explains what this is, how it affects dogs and how it is diagnosed. When you finish reading the article you will also know how a vet confirms a

About Boston Terrier Dogs

The Boston Terrier, dubbed "The American Gentleman," looks like an alert and formally dressed small dog. Though created from fighting dog breeds, the modern Boston prefers the company of people and life as a home dog.

Top 4 Things to Look for When Selecting Dog Shoes

Dog shoes are not just a fashion statement. They also serve a functional purpose. They are great for all year round, no matter what the weather is like or where you live. Every dog owner should have at least one pair of shoes for their dog. Dog shoes should be functional. Most shoes will serve an im

How to Build a Top Notch Dog Kennel

A superior dog kennel is one that provides dogs enough room to play and run around as well as a space designated for rest. The best kennels are outdoors where dogs can get fresh air, smell and dig in the dirt and engage in natural dog behaviors. The best dog kennels are strong and create a safe en

How to Persuade Someone to Get a Dog

Convincing someone to do something is no easy feat. Persuading a person to get a dog takes thought and time. You must make sure that the person likes dogs and is open to the idea of owning a pet. To successfully convince someone to get a dog, you must gather information and outline the benefits of o

Raw Dog Food & Salmonella

Salmonella is a disease contracted by humans and dogs. Many pet owners fear that if they feed their dogs a raw food diet, they will become infected with salmonella. This is not the case. Understanding salmonella and how humans contract the disease are critical in preventing the bacteria from infecti

Dachshund Breed Information

The dachshund is a popular small dog for a family pet. When properly socialized, they're even good with small children and they retain their playful spirits throughout their lives. If you're thinking of adopting a dachshund, it's a good idea to get to know the breed.

How to Deal With an Aggressive Dog

Dogs display aggression for many reasons. They can feel threatened when someone challenges their social status, when they are afraid and when they feel territorial or protective. Dogs display aggression by baring their teeth, snarling, barking or sometimes biting. While some dogs give ample warning