Disable Mouse and Keyboard from Delphi Code
The BlockInput API function blocks keyboard and mouse input events from reaching applications.
Place a Button (name: "Button1") on a form (name: "Form1") and use this code for the button's OnClick event handler. Once you click the button your mouse and keyboard will be blocked for 5 seconds.
Note: BlockInput is available only on Windows 98 and newer, this is why we have a "FuncAvaial" procedure - to test the existance of a function inside a DLL.
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Place a Button (name: "Button1") on a form (name: "Form1") and use this code for the button's OnClick event handler. Once you click the button your mouse and keyboard will be blocked for 5 seconds.
Note: BlockInput is available only on Windows 98 and newer, this is why we have a "FuncAvaial" procedure - to test the existance of a function inside a DLL.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; function FuncAvail(dllName, funcName: string; var p: pointer): boolean; var lib: THandle; begin result := false; p := nil; if LoadLibrary(PChar(dllName)) = 0 then exit; lib := GetModuleHandle(PChar(dllName)) ; if lib <> 0 then begin p := GetProcAddress(lib, PChar(funcName)) ; if p <> nil then Result := true; end; end; var BlockInput : function(Block: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall; begin if FuncAvail('USER32.DLL', 'BlockInput', @BlockInput) then begin ShowMessage('Your Mouse and Keyboard will be blocked for 5 seconds!') ; BlockInput(true) ; Sleep(5000) ; BlockInput(false) ; end; end;end.
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