Upper Cervical Care solving the MS puzzle?
After years of taking care of MS patients, it is such a blessing to see these folks get a complete resolution of their condition. I have found though that many of these folks have suffered for years with the medical model. They have been to doctor after doctor, drug after drug, therapy after therapy with dismal results.
How could this be? I mean we have some very smart medical specialist, some of the most advanced research labs and endless supply of money. So why are we not completing the puzzle?
My suggestion is that the reason we get know where is because we have a system that addresses the effect (symptoms) and never explores the relative cause. This is like changing light bulbs in your house trying to get light when the breaker is turned of. Its insanity!
So maybe Upper cervical care can allow some hope? I mean, why are we getting amazing results without expensive drugs or therapies? My guess is that we search for the cause of the problem, not so much the disease itself.
MS is a disease in which the central nervous system is attacking itself. How could this be? Maybe its confused? Upper Cervical doctors address a condition known as vertebral subluxations at the top of the neck. When these bones misalign they get stuck. This causes compression atrophy in the brainstem and the arterial system of the body. The ultimate result is immunodeficiency and loss of normal body function. The body loses its ability self regulate and self heal. So we begin to break down and disease results.
Don't misunderstand me, UC docs do not treat or cure MS patients. Our goal is to find out why the body does not work right and remove that interference. Then we get to watch the body do miraculous things. It is estimated that there are only 1200 upper cervical chiropractors. Even though any chiropractor, if you asked, would say they are upper cervical, they are not. UC docs have an additional 3-5 years additional training outside the traditional chiropractic education. So please do your homework.
If you have MS and want to enjoy the benefits of upper cervical care check us out in Hamilton Mill, Georgia. Most family physicians dismiss this problem, and they do not offer any opportunities for people to enjoy a quality of life. Dr. Nicholas Tedder is an upper cervical doctor with a state-of-the-art clinic in Hamilton Mill Ga. To find out more about upper cervical care or to schedule a consult visit us at www.GetWellGa.com.
How could this be? I mean we have some very smart medical specialist, some of the most advanced research labs and endless supply of money. So why are we not completing the puzzle?
My suggestion is that the reason we get know where is because we have a system that addresses the effect (symptoms) and never explores the relative cause. This is like changing light bulbs in your house trying to get light when the breaker is turned of. Its insanity!
So maybe Upper cervical care can allow some hope? I mean, why are we getting amazing results without expensive drugs or therapies? My guess is that we search for the cause of the problem, not so much the disease itself.
MS is a disease in which the central nervous system is attacking itself. How could this be? Maybe its confused? Upper Cervical doctors address a condition known as vertebral subluxations at the top of the neck. When these bones misalign they get stuck. This causes compression atrophy in the brainstem and the arterial system of the body. The ultimate result is immunodeficiency and loss of normal body function. The body loses its ability self regulate and self heal. So we begin to break down and disease results.
Don't misunderstand me, UC docs do not treat or cure MS patients. Our goal is to find out why the body does not work right and remove that interference. Then we get to watch the body do miraculous things. It is estimated that there are only 1200 upper cervical chiropractors. Even though any chiropractor, if you asked, would say they are upper cervical, they are not. UC docs have an additional 3-5 years additional training outside the traditional chiropractic education. So please do your homework.
If you have MS and want to enjoy the benefits of upper cervical care check us out in Hamilton Mill, Georgia. Most family physicians dismiss this problem, and they do not offer any opportunities for people to enjoy a quality of life. Dr. Nicholas Tedder is an upper cervical doctor with a state-of-the-art clinic in Hamilton Mill Ga. To find out more about upper cervical care or to schedule a consult visit us at www.GetWellGa.com.