Surgery Is Not Always Necessary, Most Surgeries Are Fear-Motivated
Several years ago a committee of the American Congress investigating procedures of surgery in the United States came to the conclusion that 2.
4 million operations are performed unnecessarily each year, costing 12,000 lives and 4 billion US dollars.
The latest figures show that some 6 million unnecessary operations are performed each year.
Another study found that most people who were accepted for an operation did not actually need one and half of them did not even require medical treatment.
Tonsilitis Many of them were children suffering tonsil infection.
Parents rarely object to the removal of their children's tonsils, especially since not many side effects are recorded for this type of surgery.
The death rate from tonsil operations amounts to only 1 in 3,000 or even less.
Only few parents know that tonsils are an important part of the immune system and are needed to keep the head area free from toxins, bacteria, and viruses.
It has been shown that many children become depressed, pessimistic, fearful, insecure, and shy after surgery, 'character traits' that may stay with them for the rest of their lives.
There are natural methods that can support the body in overcoming an infection of the tonsils without the need for surgery.
What applies to small operations, also applies to big operations.
The need for surgical intervention is indicated only in certain extreme situations.
Appendicitis Most people believe removing an inflamed appendix is a necessity and diagnosing appendicitis is a reliable thing.
But surgeons get it wrong up to 45 per cent of the time even when they perform a diagnostic laparotomy.
False-negatives - claiming there isn't a problem when there is one - also run high, at around 33 percent.
One in five patients with appendicitis leaves the hospital without a correct diagnosis ever being made, and one in five appendixes removed by surgery is found to be normal.
In the US this amounts to 20,000 healthy appendixes mistakenly removed every year.
Coronary bypass surgery One of the most common operations today is coronary bypass surgery.
A seven-year controlled study has demonstrated that except for very rare cases where the left aorta is affected, coronary by-pass surgery does nothing to improve heart condition.
In addition, the mortality rate among patients with low risk heart disease undergoing a by-pass operation is higher than it is among those with a high risk.
A 1998 study published by the New England Journal of Medicine showed that patients who suffer a mild heart attack and are given a bypass or balloon angioplasty are more likely to die as a result of the surgery.
Another study that involved researchers from 14 major heart hospitals around the world found that up to one-third of all bypass operations were not only unnecessary but actually hastened the death of the patient.
Angioplasty Angioplasty, a relatively new procedure used to open arteries, offers an even lower survival rate than bypass surgery.
Several research studies confirm that patients, who have undergone these types of surgery, are as likely to suffer a heart attack as the ones who haven't.
The relief of chest pain (angina) that patients may experience after a bypass operation cannot be attributed to an actual improvement of the condition but rather to the cutting of nerve strands during the procedure, to the secretion of endorphins which are the body's natural painkillers, and/or to the placebo response.
In the case of a bypass operation, the newly inserted pieces of coronary arteries can block up easily again if the cause of arteriosclerosis is not removed.
The US National Institutes of Health has estimated that 90 per cent of America's bypass surgery patients receive no benefits.
Major lasting improvements are attributed to an improved diet and lifestyle, stress reduction, quitting smoking and regular exercise.
Hysterectomy In the States alone over one million women a year sacrifice their uterus to the scalpel.
This means that more than half of all American women will have had a hysterectomy by the time they reach age 65.
Many of these women will suffer from post-operative syndromes such as depression, anxiety, and increased susceptibility to stress.
I have seen in my own practice that most women who had a hysterectomy developed ovary problems, breast lumps, digestive disorders, or breast cancer within 1-5 years after the operation.
An investigation carried out in six New York hospitals found that 43 percent of all uterus operations were unjustified.
Other research shows that only 10% of hysterectomies are properly justified.
There are thousands of women every year who have a full hysterectomy (including the removal of the ovaries) but have not given their consent prior to the surgery.
Only few of them make use of the law to seek compensation, but money cannot return the status symbol of a woman, which is her womb.
Having a hysterectomy is not without a risk.
The mortality rate is 1 in 1,000 procedures and serious complications occur 15 times more frequently than that.
Side effects can occur in more than 40 per cent of operations; they include urinary retention or incontinence, significant reduction in sexual response, early ovarian failure, risk of a fatal blood clot, and bowel problems.
Fewer Surgeons and Medical Interventions Means Fewer Deaths The American College of Surgeons conceded that the US population would require only about 50 percent of the current number of surgeons to secure America's needs for surgery in the next fifty years.
In 1976, the Los Angeles County registered a sudden reduction of its death rate by 18 percent when the medical doctors went on strike against the increase of health insurance premiums for malpractice.
In a study by Dr.
Milton Roemer from the University of California Los Angeles, 17 of the largest hospitals in the County showed a total of 60 percent fewer operations during the period of the strike.
When the doctors resumed work and medical activities were back to normal, death rates also returned to pre-strike levels.
A similar event took place in Israel in 1973, when for one month the doctors reduced their daily number of patients from 65,000 to 7,000.
For the entire month, death rates in Israel were down 50 percent.
This seems to happen whenever doctors go on strike.
In Bogota, Columbia, the death rate decreased by 35 percent when no doctors were available for 52 days, except for emergencies.