Gravel Walkway Installation
- 1). Use spray paint to outline the walkway on the ground.
- 2). Excavate a 4-inch-deep trench between the lines, using the shovel or spade. Keep the sides of the trench straight, rake the bottom of the trench smooth and tamp it down.
- 3). Add a 2 1/2-inch layer of gravel into the trench. Rake the gravel smooth and dampen with the garden hose.
- 4). Tamp down the gravel in the trench to compact it.
- 5). Cover the gravel with landscaping fabric to prevent weeds from growing.
- 6). Cut a piece of 2-by-4 into a 4-foot-long section.
- 7). Cut two 1/4-inch notches in the board 3 feet apart from each other. The notches will slide over the edging for the walkway.
- 8). Install the edging along the first edge of the trench. In most cases, you'll drive stakes or pins through the notches on the edging and into the ground.
- 9). Install the edging on the other side of the trench. Slide the notches on the 2-by-4 board over the edging across the trench as you set the second side. This provides a guide for setting the edging on the second side. Do this every few feet along the trench to ensure a uniform width for the length of the walkway.
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Add dirt to fill any gaps between the outside of the edging and the surrounding ground. - 11
Add gravel to the trench to a half inch from the top of the edging. Rake the gravel smooth.