Tips on Planning a Class Reunion
- Recruit a team of former classmates who are dependable, energetic and hard-working. The reunion committee will need to be dedicated to the success of the reunion and you will rely on them, so choose carefully. Select someone to be the chairperson of the committee; this person will be in charge of many details. Select a treasurer who will be responsible for keeping track of contributions and expenditures. Make the committee as large as necessary to spread out the work and ensure that members are not overburdened.
- Choose a reunion date. Decide whether the reunion will take place with multiple events over an entire weekend or will be a single event. Allow ample planning time by setting the reunion date at least one year and up to two years in advance. This will ensure enough time for planning and preparing every detail. Many rental facilities book far in advance, so it may be necessary to reserve a venue up to two years in advance of the date.
- Create a Web site to handle all of the planning and communication for the reunion. Give everyone involved the Web site address, and encourage them to visit it often for important information. A Web site can help to collect donations, organize classmate contact information and make planning progress updates. It could also include a forum for communication between committee members.
- Iron out the details. Decide on the reunion style, entertainment, food, decorations and other activities. If it will be a weekend event, coordinate each day's activities; plan lodging accommodations for the attendees; plan special speaking presentations; and consider organizing a tour of the old school. Hire a photographer to take pictures of the activities.
Create printed programs for the events; have name tags made; create a memento booklet to give to the attendees; and plan a contest with prizes. Consider creating a a tribute to deceased classmates and also a monetary gift that can be presented to the school by the attending classmates.
Form a Committee
Pick the Date
Make a Web Site
Determine the Details