The Stages of the AIDS Virus
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is commonly referred to as HIV disease. The first stage of the disease refers to the time the virus enters the body until the time the disease is detectable with an HIV test. During this time, individuals may experience flu-like symptoms. Some doctors recommend beginning to treat the virus during this stage.
- After the acute stage, affected individuals may begin to look and feel better, possibly for many years. However, HIV will slowly continue to damage the body's immune system. Careful monitoring and medical treatment should begin during this stage. It is important to note that HIV can be spread to others during this stage.
- Symptoms of HIV disease begin to appear during this stage. These symptoms include weight loss, fatigue and rashes among others. Thrush, herpes and fever may also develop.
- This is the final stage of the HIV disease. By this time, the immune system has become severely compromised. Infections that don't ordinarily affect healthy individuals may cause serious harm in those infected with the virus. Fortunately, there are many new treatments and medications available to help prevent and control some of the symptoms associated with the disease.
- Regardless of which stage of AIDS a patient may have, prompt medical care is essential in maintaining overall health. New treatment options include antiretroviral treatment, clinical trials, natural and homeopathic treatment as well as lifestyle and health habit changes. Thanks to continued progress within the medical field, some patients are living normal lives decades after their initial AIDS diagnosis.
Acute Infection
Asymptomatic Stage
Symptomatic Stage
Late-Stage HIV (AIDS)