2 Forms Of Penis Enlargement That Don"t Work To Enlarge Your Penis
With the tips presented in this article, you'll be able to go from having a small penis to gaining up to 2 inches in only 60 days or less.
I would know, because it happened to me when I first started out with penis enlargement.
You should try getting started with penis exercises.
Penis exercises work to enlarge the 3 main areas of your penis safely and natural.
Not only are penis enlargement exercises safe, but they're also inexpensive also.
As you continue to learn more about penis enlargement, you will find that penis exercises are the way to go.
If you're wondering about the other forms of enlargement, then this article is for you.
Inside of this article I will dispel a lot of the hype that is surrounded around these popular forms of penis enlargement.
Here's the first option that you have at your disposal when it comes to increasing your penis size.
1) Surgery Surgery is an option used by men who are desperate in their attempts to increase their penis size.
What these men don't know however is that this is a form of penis enlargement that is the most dangerous to your penile health.
A lot of men who have undergone surgery as a way to increase their penis size have found that there are a lot of side effects that come with this option.
Some men have experienced a deformed looking penis, broken blood vessels, impotence, and a whole host of other problems.
If you're wondering if this is the option for you, then you should stick with natural forms of penis enlargement.
Here's another option that you should stay away from.
2) Penis pills Penis pills are all the rave these days but if you knew the secret behind the pills - you wouldn't want to use them.
All pills do is increase the amount of blood flow to your penis.
All this means is that it will be easier for you to get and sustain an erection, but it will do absolutely nothing for the overall growth of your penis.
Along with increasing blood flow, you have to do a lot of other things just to make the pills work.
I found this out when I purchased a set of pills once and taking the pills wasn't the only thing that I had to do.
If you're interested in pills, be prepared to do more than just take pills.
I won't ruin the surprise for you.
The bottom line is that penis exercises should be used to increase your penis size.
Good luck with using these tips to safely grow your penis, and to stay away from the ineffective options.