Can Vitamins Make My Penis Bigger? The Straight Scoop on Enlargement Supplements You Must Not Miss

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Do vitamins really work for penis enlargement? Are there really supplements that I can take to make my manhood larger? And if so..
which ones are the very BEST ones to try? In this article, we take a quick look at vitamins and male enlargement, and see if there is any truth at all behind some of the bold and bodacious claims being made everywhere online! Okay..
I'm interested in trying out some of the popular vitamins or natural supplements to help my penis grow.
Which ones would you recommend? Honestly? None of them.
I wish it were different..
but the simple truth is that none of the popular oral supplements for anatomical improvement are effective at all.
They are also rarely regulated by the FDA, which means that on top of being ineffective, they are potentially dangerous as well.
(as you don't really know what you're taking) Here is a good example of why you may NOT want to try these style supplements..
A few years ago, several university labs performed randomized tests on a whole bunch of natural "supplements" and vitamins marketed to men who wanted to grow their penis.
What they found was SHOCKING..
in that many of these formulas had toxic ingredients that were harmful to ingest in ANY amount.
(including lead, fecal matter and e.
coli) So on top of not working at all..
the added risk of putting some herbal formulation in your body that you simply can't trust, makes the whole "vitamin" market for men, one we rapidly encourage you to avoid.
(stick to healthy, ,safe and TRULY all natural exercise instead)
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