Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure - Better Health and a Longer Life
Do you take prescription drugs such as beta or alpha blockers, ace inhibitors or other types of medication for hypertension? You may be interested to learn that natural cures for high blood pressure work better and have fewer side effects.
They also treat the underlying cause of your condition, and prescription medications do not.
What are some of the side effects of drugs? Alpha blockers can cause a pounding heart, weakness, weight gain and increase of bad cholesterol.
Ace inhibitors can cause skin rash, loss of taste and a chronic, dry cough.
Most prescription medications cause some side effects.
The main drawback is that they don't treat what is causing your hypertension.
So, what are some of the natural cures for high blood pressure? There are many answers.
Some of them are common sense such as reducing alcohol intake, eliminating salt from your diet, and reducing stress.
Here are a few other things you should consider for reducing hypertension: 1.
Foods - Adding fresh fruits, beans and whole grains to your diet will help lower your readings.
Foods containing potassium, magnesium and calcium are also very effective.
Exercise - Physical activity is one of the easiest ways to lower your blood pressure.
Simple activities such as walking for 20 minutes 4 or 5 days a week can make a difference.
Herbal supplements - Certain herbs are just as effective as prescription medications for maintaining normal blood pressure.
Herbs are all natural, and won't cause side effects that drugs can.
Vitamins and minerals- There are several vitamins and minerals you should make sure you are getting in your diet.
These include lecithin and selenium.
Also make sure you get Omega 3 fatty acids, either in the foods you eat or by taking supplements.
Using natural methods to control hypertension can extend your life.
By treating the cause, not only are you improving your blood pressure but also other conditions such as high cholesterol and diabetes.
You overall health will be significantly improved! Don't risk your health by taking synthetic prescription medications that simply mask your problem.
Choosing natural cures for high blood pressure is a smart move - for your life and your health.
Take the steps to extend your life.
Learn more by reading The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report.
They also treat the underlying cause of your condition, and prescription medications do not.
What are some of the side effects of drugs? Alpha blockers can cause a pounding heart, weakness, weight gain and increase of bad cholesterol.
Ace inhibitors can cause skin rash, loss of taste and a chronic, dry cough.
Most prescription medications cause some side effects.
The main drawback is that they don't treat what is causing your hypertension.
So, what are some of the natural cures for high blood pressure? There are many answers.
Some of them are common sense such as reducing alcohol intake, eliminating salt from your diet, and reducing stress.
Here are a few other things you should consider for reducing hypertension: 1.
Foods - Adding fresh fruits, beans and whole grains to your diet will help lower your readings.
Foods containing potassium, magnesium and calcium are also very effective.
Exercise - Physical activity is one of the easiest ways to lower your blood pressure.
Simple activities such as walking for 20 minutes 4 or 5 days a week can make a difference.
Herbal supplements - Certain herbs are just as effective as prescription medications for maintaining normal blood pressure.
Herbs are all natural, and won't cause side effects that drugs can.
Vitamins and minerals- There are several vitamins and minerals you should make sure you are getting in your diet.
These include lecithin and selenium.
Also make sure you get Omega 3 fatty acids, either in the foods you eat or by taking supplements.
Using natural methods to control hypertension can extend your life.
By treating the cause, not only are you improving your blood pressure but also other conditions such as high cholesterol and diabetes.
You overall health will be significantly improved! Don't risk your health by taking synthetic prescription medications that simply mask your problem.
Choosing natural cures for high blood pressure is a smart move - for your life and your health.
Take the steps to extend your life.
Learn more by reading The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report.