Book Review - Make Real Money on the Internet by Stephen Pierce
It's focus is to give you the bigger picture knowledge needed to establish an online business in any area of interest.
He reveals his seven critical steps that cover the following areas:
- How to perform market research
- What types of products can be sold online
- Why Stephen recommends information products
- Lead generation tips
- Traffic generation methods from free to paid methods
- Steps to automate everything and
- How to utilise bonus offer for maximum effect.
Definitely NOT one of those business books full of technical and confusing jargon.
It's interesting to find out from his introduction that Stephen came from a background of being homeless at one point, with no formal education, and that he applied his seven critical steps to help him and his family build several multi-million dollar businesses today.
The book has plenty of useful 'how to' information tidbits and Stephen shares plenty of personal experiences to tie them together.
His micro-niche concept is a useful tip that can help you focus your market research or potential product creation efforts.
He also shares with you key search terms you can use in search engines to uncover markets where a problem exists that you could create a product to solve and profit from.
Stephen stresses that above anything else, the ability to generate traffic is absolutely critical to making real money on the internet.
He provides suggestions on generating lots of free traffic through Myspace, YouTube and blogs.
Some of the other traffic strategies he touches on are e-zine and banner advertising, the use of articles and affiliates to drive traffic.
The only negative thing I have to say about this book is that after reading certain sections, you wish Stephen could have gone into deeper detail on the various steps that he discusses.
Aside from that, "Make Real Money On The Internet" is an informative and concise read, outlining the proven system Stephen Pierce uses to make money from the internet in seven straight forward and easy to follow steps.