Best Way to Burn Stubborn Belly Fat - 3 Fat Melting Exercises That Burn Stomach Fat at Warp Speed
If you are looking for the best ways to burn belly fat then you must forget about doing all the normal exercises that people tell you to do if you really want to lose the fat from your belly.
Below I will reveal to you 3 of the best exercises that you can do, which will put your metabolism in overdrive so you start burning more body fat than ever before.
Burpees Burpees are one of the best exercises that you can do if your serious about losing body fat.
The reason why burpees are such a great fat burning exercise is because they are an all body exercise and that means that you will burn more calories when you do them.
When you do them you use your legs and your upper body at the same time so you maximize the amount of calories being burned.
The best way to do burpees is to include them with some other exercises at the same time like a circuit.
Rolling box jumps These are awesome for burning fat because you are using your legs and some of your upper body to perform the exercise which means your burning more body fat.
All you need to do these is a bench.
There like normal box jumps except you start and finish the exercise on the floor in a crunch position.
You can do rolling box jumps on their own but to make things a little more interesting and fun your best to include them with some other exercises.
Ball hop burpees These may sound similar to normal burpees but they are actually quite a bit different because you use a ball when doing the exercise.
These are real killers and if you want to jump-start your metabolism thendefinitely include these within your workout or circuits.
I often include ball hop burpees in my workouts and they are one of the best fat burning exercises that you can do because they not only work your legs but your upper body and your entire core, making you burn lots more calories than doing any standard boring exercises like the treadmill or the stepper.
These 3 super high fat burning exercises are just a few that you can start to include in your workouts.
If you include these exercises in your workouts on a regular basis you will start to strip away stubborn belly fat really fast.
Below I will reveal to you 3 of the best exercises that you can do, which will put your metabolism in overdrive so you start burning more body fat than ever before.
Burpees Burpees are one of the best exercises that you can do if your serious about losing body fat.
The reason why burpees are such a great fat burning exercise is because they are an all body exercise and that means that you will burn more calories when you do them.
When you do them you use your legs and your upper body at the same time so you maximize the amount of calories being burned.
The best way to do burpees is to include them with some other exercises at the same time like a circuit.
Rolling box jumps These are awesome for burning fat because you are using your legs and some of your upper body to perform the exercise which means your burning more body fat.
All you need to do these is a bench.
There like normal box jumps except you start and finish the exercise on the floor in a crunch position.
You can do rolling box jumps on their own but to make things a little more interesting and fun your best to include them with some other exercises.
Ball hop burpees These may sound similar to normal burpees but they are actually quite a bit different because you use a ball when doing the exercise.
These are real killers and if you want to jump-start your metabolism thendefinitely include these within your workout or circuits.
I often include ball hop burpees in my workouts and they are one of the best fat burning exercises that you can do because they not only work your legs but your upper body and your entire core, making you burn lots more calories than doing any standard boring exercises like the treadmill or the stepper.
These 3 super high fat burning exercises are just a few that you can start to include in your workouts.
If you include these exercises in your workouts on a regular basis you will start to strip away stubborn belly fat really fast.