Lab Technician Information
- Laboratory technicians perform routine tests, maintain lab equipment and keep the lab well stocked. The specific type of work depends on the type of lab technician, as well as the area the lab specializes in. This can be general, such as running a centrifuge, or very specific, such as the dental technician's duty to construct and shape wax teeth.
- Lab technicians generally work 40 hours a week, but this differ with the nature of work and type of lab. Some lab technicians work under a scientist with strict deadlines, requiring long hours during some weeks. Part-time positions are available as well.
- Education requirements often are simply a high school diploma, science and mathematics courses in high school, and on-the-job training. Other positions require training at a vocational school in, for example, dental laboratory technology training. Still others require an associate degree from a technical or vocational school. Normal color vision and manual dexterity are often required as well.
- Some states require a license to work as a technician in certain areas, such as medical. Requirements usually include a written exam. The choice of school can be a large factor in job placement after completing a program, so careful research is recommended before choosing a training program.
- Median annual wages vary slightly for laboratory technicians, but are generally around $38,000, according to 2008 numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dental laboratory technicians make $37,690 on average per year, medical technicians make $37,860, and biological technicians make an average of $41,140 per year.
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that overall employment outlook for 2008 to 2018 will grow as fast as the average for all occupations (12 percent growth per year), or faster, depending on specialty. Medical technicians are expected to grow faster than the average, about 14 percent per year. Graduates of technology programs who are comfortable with the equipment used in laboratories are expected to have the best outlook for job opportunities.
Nature of Work
Job Outlook