Simple Changes I Used to Improve My Golf Swing
Currently, one of my obsessions in life is to improve my golf swing.
I understand that I will never play like Tiger Woods or other pros, but I spend time studying their techniques just the same.
Also, I also like to study golfing stats and I attempt to use that information to improve my game.
Occasionally it works, and sometimes it winds up being useless trivia.
For example, did you know that most of the best scratch golfers on the planet miss, on average, 6 greens in any one round? That's one in 3, perhaps it's just me, but that number doesn't appear too good to me.
So, with that stat in mind, maybe it will be possible for me to be a decent golfer.
As you are probably aware, to play a great golf game, you have to have a good short game.
In fact, all of the pros have great short games.
But in order to have a great short game, I have to get my ball somewhere near the green.
And in order to get my ball on the green, I need to improve my golf swing.
There are a number of techniques I used to develop a better swing.
The first thing I'd tell you is to take some lessons.
It is the one thing I found to significantly improve my techniques, and my game in general.
You would probably be surprised at the number of people who believe that they can learn the game on their own, without the assistance of a good instructor.
But if want to be a good golfer and really improve your game, you absolutely need a good instructor to show you the fundamentals.
When I first started, many people told me that I could improve my swing by using proper mechanics and overcoming golf swing inertia.
And I thought, what the heck are they talking about? But what you really need to do is find something simple that works for you and practice, practice, practice.
I also benefited and was able to improve my swing by making a videotape of myself and then playing it back in slow motion.
Although initially the recording was very unpleasant to watch, it made it easy to isolate lots of problem areas pretty fast.
You can also upload the video to the internet and post it on some of the large golf forums to get specific advice from more experienced players.
If, you are reading this and saying to yourself, I'd like to improve my golf swing, just follow these three easy steps: Practice - Practice - Practice.
I understand that I will never play like Tiger Woods or other pros, but I spend time studying their techniques just the same.
Also, I also like to study golfing stats and I attempt to use that information to improve my game.
Occasionally it works, and sometimes it winds up being useless trivia.
For example, did you know that most of the best scratch golfers on the planet miss, on average, 6 greens in any one round? That's one in 3, perhaps it's just me, but that number doesn't appear too good to me.
So, with that stat in mind, maybe it will be possible for me to be a decent golfer.
As you are probably aware, to play a great golf game, you have to have a good short game.
In fact, all of the pros have great short games.
But in order to have a great short game, I have to get my ball somewhere near the green.
And in order to get my ball on the green, I need to improve my golf swing.
There are a number of techniques I used to develop a better swing.
The first thing I'd tell you is to take some lessons.
It is the one thing I found to significantly improve my techniques, and my game in general.
You would probably be surprised at the number of people who believe that they can learn the game on their own, without the assistance of a good instructor.
But if want to be a good golfer and really improve your game, you absolutely need a good instructor to show you the fundamentals.
When I first started, many people told me that I could improve my swing by using proper mechanics and overcoming golf swing inertia.
And I thought, what the heck are they talking about? But what you really need to do is find something simple that works for you and practice, practice, practice.
I also benefited and was able to improve my swing by making a videotape of myself and then playing it back in slow motion.
Although initially the recording was very unpleasant to watch, it made it easy to isolate lots of problem areas pretty fast.
You can also upload the video to the internet and post it on some of the large golf forums to get specific advice from more experienced players.
If, you are reading this and saying to yourself, I'd like to improve my golf swing, just follow these three easy steps: Practice - Practice - Practice.