Criteria for Diabetes Diagnosis
- For a diabetes diagnosis a person must meet either of two criteria factors and have it confirmed by a second test on a different day. One criterion is to have both the signs and have a glucose reading over 200 mg/dL. This test is a random test and does not matter when in the day it is given (even after eating). The second criterion is to have a fasting glucose reading of 126 mg/dL. This test is done after 8 to 12 hours of not eating or drinking. Testing for this first thing in the morning is easiest and best.
- Whatever test is given for diabetes, the results will have to be able to be replicated to receive confirmation of diagnosis. Replication can be the same results with the same test or having a different test given and still getting a positive result. Either one can confirm a diabetes diagnosis. If the results cannot be duplicated, then a diabetes confirmation is usually not given; however, the patient may still be treated as if the test were positive if the majority of the symptoms are still present.
- According to the Social Security Administration's website, their diabetes criteria falls in sections 9.05 and 9.08. Section 9.05 states that a patient withdiabetes insipidus neurohypohyseal insufficiency must have a urine specific gravity at 1.005 or lower and be chronically dehydrated, and the condition must last for a minimum of 90 days. Symptoms of diabetes insipidus include an increased urine quantity, a higher fluid intake and thirst.
- Another criteria set forth by the Social Security Administration is for diabetes mellitus. Section 9.08 states that a patient with diabetes mellitus must have persistent neuropathy, or once every 60 days average of acidosis, or visually impaired retinitis proliferans. Diabetes mellitus is the metabolic condition of chronically high blood glucose levels.
- The ADA prefers the fasting glucose test. While some healthcare professionals do use other testing like the A1c hemoglobin blood test or a random blood sugar test, the ADA doesn't recommend these to diagnose. If the A1c test is used it must be over the recommended range. The A1c is the blood glucose average for the patient over the past 60-90 days. It is better to use this test as a target for blood sugar control after a diagnosis rather than the diagnosis itself.
ADA Criteria
Criteria Confirmation
SSA Criteria for Diabetes Insipidus
SSA Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus
A1c Criteria