I Didnt Bother With Keyword ResearchNursingworkaustralia.com
I have created a new website without doing KEYWORD research. Yes I have done something that just about every single Successful blogger highly recommends you dont do.
I didnt bother with Keyword research, Now you might want to ask why ?? well the answer is simple. I had an idea and ran with it and maybe I am a little implusive.
NURSINGWORKAUSTRALIA.COM, was started after a 45 minute conversation with a good mate of mine, he and his wife are both Nurses. He knew I was already building websites, we were talking about the Nursing Profession. He said why dont you create a nursing website, somewhere Nurses from overseas and Australia can go and find out about working in Australia as a Nurse.
20 Minutes later, I had registered the Web site, transferred my hosting, and downloaded wordpress. Thats about how much thought I put into it. (Yep definetly impulsive)
Now will I be successful, I have no idea. I plan on trying my arse off. There is so many theories, methods and tools out there about how to research keywords. Most of them are valid, by some amazingly successful people. Me on the other hand I tend to do what I feel is right, ( more instinctual I guess), will I be successful with this method. I dont know, but lets find out.
My plan is simple I will be posting once a month, progress made, traffic numbers, and methods undertaken to grow the site, also how much if any income the site make.
So as a first post, I thought I would list the steps I took.
1. Domain Registration I went to Godaddy and registered the name NURSINGWORKAUSTRALIA.COM
2. I transferred the Domain hosting to Hostgator
3. I Installed WordPress
4. I added some pages About , Contact, Home, Blog, advertising,Job Board
5. I add some short content into each page
6. I added Adsense through the site
7. I put one post up.
8. Added GOOGLE Analytics
9. Added Some free pictures from Dreamtime
The above took me about 2.5 Hours all up, and $12 AUD for the Domain.
My next 5 steps for the next 4 weeks.
1. Book 5 posts with the VA to be written $12 AUD per article
2. 2 posts written by me, ( I always add content to my sites)
3. Submit all posts through the month of December.
4. Ping the posts using Pingoat and Ping-o-matic
5. Submit articles on Article demon
I am hoping to be able to spend about 2 hours on the above tasks in the next month, and $64 AUD, I would expect bythe end of December to start to see some small traffic numbers coming to the site.
So until then, good luck blogging, and as always I would love to hear from you, feel free to leave a comment
I didnt bother with Keyword research, Now you might want to ask why ?? well the answer is simple. I had an idea and ran with it and maybe I am a little implusive.
NURSINGWORKAUSTRALIA.COM, was started after a 45 minute conversation with a good mate of mine, he and his wife are both Nurses. He knew I was already building websites, we were talking about the Nursing Profession. He said why dont you create a nursing website, somewhere Nurses from overseas and Australia can go and find out about working in Australia as a Nurse.
20 Minutes later, I had registered the Web site, transferred my hosting, and downloaded wordpress. Thats about how much thought I put into it. (Yep definetly impulsive)
Now will I be successful, I have no idea. I plan on trying my arse off. There is so many theories, methods and tools out there about how to research keywords. Most of them are valid, by some amazingly successful people. Me on the other hand I tend to do what I feel is right, ( more instinctual I guess), will I be successful with this method. I dont know, but lets find out.
My plan is simple I will be posting once a month, progress made, traffic numbers, and methods undertaken to grow the site, also how much if any income the site make.
So as a first post, I thought I would list the steps I took.
1. Domain Registration I went to Godaddy and registered the name NURSINGWORKAUSTRALIA.COM
2. I transferred the Domain hosting to Hostgator
3. I Installed WordPress
4. I added some pages About , Contact, Home, Blog, advertising,Job Board
5. I add some short content into each page
6. I added Adsense through the site
7. I put one post up.
8. Added GOOGLE Analytics
9. Added Some free pictures from Dreamtime
The above took me about 2.5 Hours all up, and $12 AUD for the Domain.
My next 5 steps for the next 4 weeks.
1. Book 5 posts with the VA to be written $12 AUD per article
2. 2 posts written by me, ( I always add content to my sites)
3. Submit all posts through the month of December.
4. Ping the posts using Pingoat and Ping-o-matic
5. Submit articles on Article demon
I am hoping to be able to spend about 2 hours on the above tasks in the next month, and $64 AUD, I would expect bythe end of December to start to see some small traffic numbers coming to the site.
So until then, good luck blogging, and as always I would love to hear from you, feel free to leave a comment