Essentials of Social Bookmarking and the Need For Them Toward Your Website"s Popularity
Social bookmarking simply entails saving web pages as bookmarks in your browser, the only difference is that it now exists within a webpage and is now more organized with tags, and categories so that they can easily be revisited later.
Many had argued that the tagging is the unique beauty of social bookmarking.
While I try to agree with them, it is better to remind them that these tags are used at the discretion of the website submitter.
No rule of any body is guiding the submission you are making and you are at liberty to tag any site you want to submit with anything or category as you deem fit.
This becomes confusing sometimes because some websites such as those based on fashion are placed together with politically based websites.
This is a usually occurrence in many social bookmarking sites and it reduces the uniqueness of the tags.
The social part of the bookmarking can't be ignored because many people would ordinarily visit sites bookmarked by others to see what is 'hot' on such sites.
This allows people to freely mix and visit some websites and get information they would have missed were they not to be signed up with the bookmarking service.
There are some other features that makes bookmarking unique and one of it is the more a site is bookmarked, the more respect it gathers from the service, the more popular it is assumed to be getting and the more ranking it would be accorded so that many more people will benefit from the information that made such site popular.
Few of the most popular social bookmark sites includes but not limited to Digg.
com, StumbleUpon, Reddit and Delicious [which is actually the very first social bookmark site on the internet].
If you want people to Digg your sites, blogs, stories or any submission you make, you have to start digging others submission first.
They would definitely return this slight favor and the site you submit, especially if it is your own website would gain immense popularity within a short time.
It is an essential manner of getting the much desired one way back link that will positively affect your website's search engine rankings.
While you are advised to continually make some submission, don't forget that spamming is generally frowned at.
It would be considered a spam if you submit all the pages of your website and keep submitting the same website.
It is better to add more flavors in your submissions by submitting sites and stories that may excite or interest people in the social site.
This would definitely be a welcome distraction from the seriousness your website may portray.
The primary goal of social bookmarking is to make sites visible, whether yours or others and to get new visitors to such sites.
It is important you adequately tag and describe any site you want to submit so that people will know what to expect if they click on the link to such site.
Your website's popularity would grow astronomically if you appropriately use social bookmarking services.
Many had argued that the tagging is the unique beauty of social bookmarking.
While I try to agree with them, it is better to remind them that these tags are used at the discretion of the website submitter.
No rule of any body is guiding the submission you are making and you are at liberty to tag any site you want to submit with anything or category as you deem fit.
This becomes confusing sometimes because some websites such as those based on fashion are placed together with politically based websites.
This is a usually occurrence in many social bookmarking sites and it reduces the uniqueness of the tags.
The social part of the bookmarking can't be ignored because many people would ordinarily visit sites bookmarked by others to see what is 'hot' on such sites.
This allows people to freely mix and visit some websites and get information they would have missed were they not to be signed up with the bookmarking service.
There are some other features that makes bookmarking unique and one of it is the more a site is bookmarked, the more respect it gathers from the service, the more popular it is assumed to be getting and the more ranking it would be accorded so that many more people will benefit from the information that made such site popular.
Few of the most popular social bookmark sites includes but not limited to Digg.
com, StumbleUpon, Reddit and Delicious [which is actually the very first social bookmark site on the internet].
If you want people to Digg your sites, blogs, stories or any submission you make, you have to start digging others submission first.
They would definitely return this slight favor and the site you submit, especially if it is your own website would gain immense popularity within a short time.
It is an essential manner of getting the much desired one way back link that will positively affect your website's search engine rankings.
While you are advised to continually make some submission, don't forget that spamming is generally frowned at.
It would be considered a spam if you submit all the pages of your website and keep submitting the same website.
It is better to add more flavors in your submissions by submitting sites and stories that may excite or interest people in the social site.
This would definitely be a welcome distraction from the seriousness your website may portray.
The primary goal of social bookmarking is to make sites visible, whether yours or others and to get new visitors to such sites.
It is important you adequately tag and describe any site you want to submit so that people will know what to expect if they click on the link to such site.
Your website's popularity would grow astronomically if you appropriately use social bookmarking services.