The Necessity Of Awareness

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Many people live in a world in which they feel they have no control. A world where people live lives of quiet desperation. But what if you lived in a world where you could have whatever you desired? A world where people live lives of active manifestation.

Well, you live in that world now. It is the same world for both concepts. The difference is how you choose to create your life. When you create your life unconsciously you can easily fall into the trap of quiet desperation. When you create your life consciously you cannot help but live a life of active manifestation.

Much of the world is populated with people who are sleepwalking through their lives, while others actively engage in the process of life and live their passion. What is the difference between these people? It is a matter of awareness.

The sleepwalkers of the world are unaware of who they really are. They are unaware of the powers they possess and have chosen to follow a path that relates to the events and experiences of life from a damage control point of view.

They still create the events and experiences of their lives but they are creating unconsciously and are unaware that they bring forth into their reality exactly what they have created. Because they are unaware of their creations they don't recognize them as their own and therefore take no responsibility for them. They view the events and experiences of their lives as something that is happening to them by people and circumstances that are completely unrelated. Because these things are happing to them, they can only react to the event, based on their past experiences or, worse yet, by doing what somebody else told them was the proper way to respond.

Not only do they take no responsibility for their actions (creations), but they blame other people and events for what they do, why they do it, and how they do it. The live with a lot of do-do. They view the world through the front of a television set and accept the mindless dribble it spews forth as the gospel. They give up their own decision making powers and accept the words of others as their own truth.

They believe that the best thing they can do is not rock the boat too much and be a good citizen who follows the rules. They know that they aren't going to get out of this world alive, and their hope is that God will forgive them for their sins and send them to heaven when this is all over.

Wow! All of this from the simple concept of being unaware? Yes, because being unaware is the single most important factor when you are unconsciously creating your life. And the unconscious creating of your life is a by-product of how you view God. And because most of this world views God as a monarch from which we are separate we will continue to believe in the base thoughts we have about life.

When we change our base thought about life from the idea that we are here to learn the lessons of life and discover who we are, to those that say we are here to create the life that we choose and determine who we intend to be, will we change the focus of our world from fear to love.

Awareness is the key. When you are aware you are conscious that you are aware. Otherwise you wouldn't be aware that you are aware. It is only through conscious living that you can create the life that you truly desire. It is only through conscious living that you can change from quiet desperation to active manifestation.

Just like everything in life, awareness is a process. You just don't wake up one day and viola, you are aware of your awareness. You must cultivate your awareness. Feed it good thoughts and exercise it daily. Be aware that you are aware and the next thing you know, you are aware that you are aware that you are aware. It builds on itself and its fun to watch your progress.

Start today. Become aware of who your really are and why you are here, and consciously become the active manifestor of your life.
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