Traffic To Website - Traffic Genius! Einstein" s Formula Used For Traffic Generation
It is quite simple, really, we just have to take a look at the formula from a different angle. In fact all the ingredients to Einstein's theory were always out there floating around, its just that no one put them all together until he did. So too, it is with getting masses of traffic to your website, the ingredients are all there, we just need to put them all together.
So lets play around with his formula. Where E=MC(squared) or in this case, E (Emphasis on Articles not particles) = M (maximum traffic) times C (maximum customers) (Squared).
In other words, if we start to turn our focus or emphasis on the number of articles we write and get published then we will start to explode the amount of free traffic we get to our website, this will in turn create more customers which in turn will explode our profits exponentially.
This works so well in fact, we don't have to believe it does, it just does. Just like people stared in disbelief at Einstein's formula, it didn't make his formula incorrect.
The interesting thing about writing articles is that they can almost take on a life of their own. You will find that once you publish them, other people may also publish them on their web sites and so you will get a small viral effect happening. This will also improve your traffic ranking and will improve your google ranking as well.
In addition to this, you will find that about ten percent of all those people that read your articles will decide to click through and visit your web site. Then, a certain number of those people will also buy products from you.
You will soon find, that if you do start writing articles and provided you get them published on reputable article sites such as this one, then your traffic will start to increase, the more articles you write, then the faster it will happen. Traffic to website will become a reality and not fantasy.
Your challenge for today then,to get traffic to your website, is to prove me wrong!