Get Out of Debt in Three to Five Years With the Debt Snowball Method
While it may seem like an impossible task to accomplish, you can achieve this goal of being debt free in as little as three to five years with lots of discipline and determination by using a method called debt snowball.
By snowballing your debt, you will a be able to quickly payoff your outstanding balances faster than you ever thought possible.
This method allows you to use the income you are already making; however, if you want to achieve faster results, increasing your income would make that possible.
To get started, follow these easy steps to get on the path to quick success.
* Gather all bills, make a budget for all expenses, and determine where you can cut back to save money.
* Look at your balances on outstanding debt and decide which one you will payoff first.
Choose either the one with the highest annual percentage rate or the one with the lowest balance.
* Pay your minimum payments on all accounts, but apply any extra money you have towards the balance you are tackling first.
* When the first debt has been paid in full, take the amount you were paying on that debt and add it to the minimum payment for the next account.
* Continue to repeat this process until all accounts have been paid off.
By using this method, your balances should rapidly decrease, especially as your payments made becomes a bigger snowball with each account paid off.
This is a very effective way to get rid of those cash sucking bills.
Now is the time to take control of your finances so just be focused and determine and you will get out of debt fast.