Points To Consider While Choosing A Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you are in Houston, Texas, Harris County, Texas, or surrounding areas like Galveston or Brazoria or Fort Bend, Texas, you will need to take special steps in hiring a lawyer, preferably in Houston, Texas who has experience handling big cases on a regular bases.
We would like to share a few tips that could be useful for you in choosing a successful criminal attorney in Houston:
1. The first and easy thing is to look at the experience of the criminal lawyers in Houston, Texas. Are they Board Certified? Do they belong to criminal defense organizations? Do they actually TRY cases, not just "meet "em and plead "em" attorneys?
2. What types of cases does the lawyer handle? A good criminal attorney in Houston, Texas handles all kinds of cases, from DWI to murder. Anyone claiming to be a "DWI specialist" is really saying all he can handle is DWI"s, and probably not very well at that. After all, if he was such a great trial lawyer, why limit himself to misdemeanor DWI"s?
3. Is the lawyer"s law license up to date? You would be amazed how many lawyers have not paid their bar dues and their licenses are suspended. Others are on probation because of discipline. Go to the State Bar of Texas website to learn the disciplinary history of criminal lawyers in Harris County, Texas.
4. Does the Houston, Texas criminal defense lawyer pass the "sitwell" test? In other words, does he sit well with you? Do you feel comfortable with him? When you feel that the criminal defense lawyer you have chosen has a comfort and good knowledge about the background of your case, you can try to relax and leave the job of worrying to him.