Problems Involved With Driving While Intoxicated
There are frightening statistics available concerning the results of a person driving under the influence of alcohol. It is estimated that, as the result of a drunk driver, someone is killed every 45 minutes in the United States. The person being killed could be the driver themselves, the driver of another car or an innocent bystander.
During the past several years several organizations have worked to inform people about the dangers of drunk driving. Among these are Mothers Against Drunk Driving AL-anon and Alcoholic Anonymous. These and other groups have made great strides in educating the public about the dangers of driving while intoxicated and have made some inroads on the problem.
Peace officers have witnessed many tragic accidents which have resulted from someone drinking and driving. Giving these people tickets and suspending their driving license often has little effect. Many keep driving without a license and, in some states, when they are caught a second time, their car is taken away.
When a person who has lost their driver's license, because of a drunk driving conviction, is in an accident it is tragic to all concerned. Not having a license means that the driver has no car insurance either. Therefore, if anyone is badly injured and must spend time in the hospital there is no insurance to cover these costs. Fortunately, if the accident involves another car usually that driver has his own insurance which will cover his own expenses but not the intoxicated person.
Education about drinking and its consequences should begin at a very young age. Parents have the opportunity to advise their children of the dangers and even be consistent in reading newspaper stories about accidents caused by drunken drivers. This way, by the time they are in their teen years they will not be tempted to drink and drive.
Newspaper and television reports regarding tragic accidents appear daily. One shakes their head on learning of an entire family being destroyed in an accident or a pedestrian killed because someone was driving drunk. These tragedies can be avoided if a person takes responsibility and avoids Driving While Intoxicated.