Dave"s Pursuit of God (Page 3)
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As we talked, she said she was also a Marine going to school there. Later that night, she shared with me that she had been a born-again Christian since age 13, and she was still a virgin saving herself for her soul mate. I knew a good thing when I saw it, so I immediately began to shower her with attention and romance. We fell in love and married only one month later. By the way, the Bible says, "The one who finds a wife finds what is good.
He receives favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22).
Regrettably, I was unfaithful to Sabrina with three different women in two weeks. When she came to visit me, I lied to her at first; because I was so selfish - and I couldn't stand to hurt her feelings. But I felt so guilty, and I didn't want to keep harming her. So I eventually confessed to her that I cheated. I cried and told her I wanted a divorce, because I didn't deserve her.
She was shocked and broke into tears. But to my surprise, she refused to divorce me. Sabrina said God made marriage to last forever, and she loved me no matter what. She hugged me and we both cried in each other's arms for about 10 minutes.
I couldn't understand it, but for the first time in my life I felt unconditional love. Later I learned this amazing love came from God's Holy Spirit living inside Sabrina's precious heart. Hurting my wife and destroying her innocence and trust was the worst pain I had ever felt. It was her pain that made we want to become a better man and husband.
At first, I rebelled against the Marine Corps, and I wanted out of the military. When I told my wife about my ongoing alcohol addiction, she cried. Sabrina thought I quit drinking, but I had been lying to her the whole time. To my amazement, she soon forgave me again!
For the first time in my life, I read the Bible with an open mind and heart. No one ever told me the Holy Bible has been, and still is, the best-selling book of all time. The reason it's not on the New York Times Best-Seller List is because it would always take first place!
Based on my research, it became very clear that the Bible is the most helpful product that has ever been created. Nothing else even comes close! So I read the Bible believing God existed, He created me, and He loved me. I patiently waited to see if my research would make a difference in my life. To my amazement, God began to speak to my heart!
For the first time, I slowly began to understand God's loving plan to save us from sin and death through the holy sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. Moreover I started to learn how one God eternally exists as three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But I still wasn't saved yet, because I continued to trust in myself to change my life.
Continue reading page 4 of "Dave's Pursuit of God"
As we talked, she said she was also a Marine going to school there. Later that night, she shared with me that she had been a born-again Christian since age 13, and she was still a virgin saving herself for her soul mate. I knew a good thing when I saw it, so I immediately began to shower her with attention and romance. We fell in love and married only one month later. By the way, the Bible says, "The one who finds a wife finds what is good.
He receives favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22).
Next, I became wife-centered. I called myself a Christian, but since I was in love, I didn't think there was anything missing in my life. But then my wife and I had to go to different military schools. So we did not see each other for about two months. Instead of turning to God for answers, I turned back to alcohol to numb my loneliness.Regrettably, I was unfaithful to Sabrina with three different women in two weeks. When she came to visit me, I lied to her at first; because I was so selfish - and I couldn't stand to hurt her feelings. But I felt so guilty, and I didn't want to keep harming her. So I eventually confessed to her that I cheated. I cried and told her I wanted a divorce, because I didn't deserve her.
She was shocked and broke into tears. But to my surprise, she refused to divorce me. Sabrina said God made marriage to last forever, and she loved me no matter what. She hugged me and we both cried in each other's arms for about 10 minutes.
I couldn't understand it, but for the first time in my life I felt unconditional love. Later I learned this amazing love came from God's Holy Spirit living inside Sabrina's precious heart. Hurting my wife and destroying her innocence and trust was the worst pain I had ever felt. It was her pain that made we want to become a better man and husband.
Legal Trouble
I tried to quit drinking, but I couldn't. Then I was rightfully punished by the Marine Corps for drinking three beers at lunch during school. I was put on restriction and lost my freedom for 45 days. But it was a blessing from God, because it forced me to stop drinking.At first, I rebelled against the Marine Corps, and I wanted out of the military. When I told my wife about my ongoing alcohol addiction, she cried. Sabrina thought I quit drinking, but I had been lying to her the whole time. To my amazement, she soon forgave me again!
Last Chance
Sabrina's pain motivated me to start seeking God, because I knew I could not be a good husband for her on my own. So I started to scientifically study the Holy Bible to see if it were true. I had been brainwashed throughout my education to believe the Bible was just a myth. But this time I personally tested the Bible by reading it as if God truly wrote it Himself (what a concept!).For the first time in my life, I read the Bible with an open mind and heart. No one ever told me the Holy Bible has been, and still is, the best-selling book of all time. The reason it's not on the New York Times Best-Seller List is because it would always take first place!
Based on my research, it became very clear that the Bible is the most helpful product that has ever been created. Nothing else even comes close! So I read the Bible believing God existed, He created me, and He loved me. I patiently waited to see if my research would make a difference in my life. To my amazement, God began to speak to my heart!
For the first time, I slowly began to understand God's loving plan to save us from sin and death through the holy sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. Moreover I started to learn how one God eternally exists as three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But I still wasn't saved yet, because I continued to trust in myself to change my life.
Born Again
Six months later at age 29 (only by God's grace!), I was finally saved in church at New Venture Christian Fellowship in Oceanside, California. As Pastor Shawn Mitchell had us bow our heads, he asked if anyone wanted to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts. As he led us in a prayer, I submitted myself to the Creator of the Universe, my God, my Lord and my Savior, Jesus Christ.Continue reading page 4 of "Dave's Pursuit of God"